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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 333

Looking at "Federic" and "Melinda" from another angle, it's just a big bummer of a tragedy.

Playing the role of "Danielle" is a tough gig. If Izabella doesn't hit the right notes, she could easily get steamrolled by Harper and Ariana.

After all, she doesn't have the same camaraderie as them, and she's playing a villain that audiences love to hate.

A headache hit Izabella for the first time since her rebirth. She can't afford to take an L in the first round!

One night, Brad York rang her up to check on the script she got.

"Here Comes the Superstars has started rolling. I asked Mr. Kane how you're doing, but he kept his lips sealed. Can you spill the beans about the script? Maybe I can throw some advice your way."

Izabella didn't plan on keeping Brad York in the dark, so she immediately spilled the tea.

"The script is Golden Age."

"That's a solid script! Which part are you playing?" Brad York was taken aback by the unexpected casting dynamics of one-on-one, one-on-two, and two-on-two.

Brad York figured it would be a classic romance between the leads. If Izabella got the part of "Melinda" she could knock it out of the park because she shared the same vibes as Melinda. Plus, Melinda is a crowd-pleaser. When the movie first came out, she garnered a lot of fans.

"No, not Melinda. It's Danielle."

Brad York went silent momentarily before asking, "Who are you sharing the stage with?"

"Harper and Ariana."

Izabella waited patiently. After half a minute, she wondered if there was a problem with Brad York's phone.

"Mr. York, you still there?"

A sigh came from the other end, "I'm starting to think someone's out to get you. Harper's the leading man in Golden Age, and his acting chops speak for themselves. He bagged a ton of awards for this movie back in the day. And you know Ariana. I won't go into details about her. If you were only up against Ariana, you could have the upper hand. But you're stuck with both of them. The same teacher trained them, and there were rumors about them, so they're probably thick as thieves. I'm worried they might gang up on you."

Izabella responded, "Mmm, I get it."

"Don't you have anything else to say?"

"All I can do is give it my all." The show hasn't even started. No way she's getting cold feet now.

Brad York figured it was better to boost Izabella's spirit rather than spewing useless words. Even if she loses, she can't go down without a fight.

"Don't worry. Even if you lose the first round, I'll still pick you."


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