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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 402

Izabella was watching the popular video on the Internet and saw Ariana's disfigured face and blindness caused by an acid attack. She glanced over to Casey Dempsey, who was quietly working on his computer.

"Did you do the acid job?" She asked.

Casey’s fingers paused over the keyboard, his body instinctively leaning towards Izabella, his eyes scanning the news on her screen.

"Nope,” he replied. Izabella had claimed the task for herself, so he had refrained from meddling.

Izabella had already leaked various information about Ariana to her haters' group chat; she wasn't concerned with what would happen next. For people like Ariana, who exploited legal loopholes to do dirty deeds, getting a taste of their own medicine was the best way to deal with them.

The audio of Ariana abusing a cat had gone viral, and Kristin wasn't about to let her off the hook. Ariana’s face and vision being destroyed by acid at the hospital was like a double whammy, leading to a a ruthless end.

The first step of vengeance for Niki had been successfully executed, but Izabella felt no satisfaction.

These evildoers deserved what they got, but Niki was gone and would never come back.

The acid attack on Ariana by a mentally ill person at the airport was suspicious, to say the least.

How a mentally ill person managed to get out of the hospital, get hold of acid, and accurately throw it on Ariana amidst the hustle and bustle of the airport? All these suggested someone was pulling strings behind the scenes.

If it wasn't Casey, the first person Izabella thought of was Brett, known for giving others a taste of their own medicine.

Nathaniel could pull this off too, but he didn't have the patience. He'd rather do the dirty work himself than pass the buck.

"X Entertainment's shares have been plummeting. Time to make a move.”

Izabella looked at the data on Casey's computer screen. The situation was clear as day.

The dip in X Entertainment's share price was mainly due to Kristin being implicated in the cat abuse scandal, damaging the company's image. Many brands explicitly demanded to terminate contracts with Kristin.

Kristin was the face of X Entertainment, the linchpin, the most valuable asset. The quickest way to salvage the situation would be for the company to step in.

The company had been brainstorming strategies since morning. The best course of action was making Izabella take the fall.

After all, it was her cat that died.

Izabella glanced at the clock; it was eight in the morning. Her fingers drummed lightly on the desk, the small movement echoing in the quiet study like a ticking clock.

She stared at her phone as if waiting for something. After a moment, it rang.

She straightened up as she saw the incoming caller ID, answered the call, and put it on speaker.

Casey remained silent.

The caller was Mr. Frost from X Entertainment.

As soon as the call connected, Mr. Frost engaged in some small talk with Izabella. "So, Izabella, what have you been up to lately?"

"Just teaching some people a lesson."

There was a pause on the other end of the line. Clearly. He hadn't expected such a straightforward answer. "Mr. Frost, I'm guessing you didn't call just to chit-chat."

"Right, I heard about your cat. You must be upset. I wanted to offer some words of comfort. Don't let it get to you. It's just a cat. You can always get another one. It's only $300."

"Are you suggesting I should buy another cat, Mr. Frost?"

"The company's willing to foot the bill for the cat. I just don’t want you to hold any grudges over a cat. You're part of the company. We're all family here."

His words might sound like comfort, but in reality, he was exerting pressure using the company's power.

These people had neglected her for quite some time, possibly still viewing her as someone they could easily push around since she had no influential backing.

"So, what counts as a family then?"

Mr. Frost, interpreting Izabella's calm tone as acceptance, continued, "The company has decided to hold a press conference for you. All you have got to do is say you don't blame anyone for the cat abuse and you were planning on getting a new cat anyway. Don't worry. The company won't let you down. Once this blows over, we'll give you an endorsement opportunity."

Izabella looked calm, but her fists were clenched. Casey, sitting next to her, did not look pleased either.

"And if I refuse?"

"Izabella, don't forget, you are under contract with the company for another seven years. I can make it impossible for you to appear in any productions," warned Mr. Frost. If the soft approach didn't work, he would resort to hardball. It was a typical strategy.

Mr. Frost believed he had many ways to deal with Izabella and was convinced she wouldn't dare to breach the contract. After all, not everyone could afford the hefty penalty.


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