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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 426


Casey suddenly blurted out, startling Izabella. She looked at Casey, who had just opened his eyes and softly said, "I'm right here."

Seeing Izabella in front of him, Casey felt disoriented. Was he still dreaming? Waking up from a deep sleep, his head felt like it was filled with mud, and his ears were ringing.

He stared blankly momentarily before looking at Izabella, automatically raising his right hand, only to feel a sharp pain in his elbow.

"Don't move around. You're injured," Izabella quickly cautioned him.

"I'm injured?" His voice was hoarse from just waking up.

Izabella handed him a glass of water, adjusted the angle of the bed for him, and helped him drink. After drinking the water, he began to recall what had happened. He remembered the cause of the accident and the dreams he had.

In his dream, Izabella had turned into a different person, with someone who looked like him. Even though it was just a dream, he felt upset.

Especially when Brett said, "Izabella only sees you as a stand-in." It was like brainwashing.

Casey felt a tightness in his chest, which was already pitch black outside the window.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About five or six hours. It's almost half past eight now. I was afraid I wouldn't have time to buy food tonight, so I bought some soup in advance. There's a microwave in the hospital. I'll go and heat it for you."

Casey didn't feel hungry, but seeing Izabella's eagerness to help, he didn't refuse.

"Thank you, Izabella."

Izabella gave a small smile. The microwave was outside the ward, and she needed to cross a corridor. She picked up the soup from the cabinet.

"You rest well in bed. Don't move around. I'll go heat the soup."


Watching Izabella's retreating figure, Casey's mind was filled with thoughts.

He felt scared, scared that the dream he had was real, scared that Izabella's kindness to him was because she saw him as a stand-in.

He always thought he was superior, but it turned out he had his own shortcomings.

Casey looked at his own hand, which would cause nerve pain at the slightest movement. His head was bandaged, and he could smell the scent of the antiseptic. He touched his forehead with his uninjured hand, unsure if he was disfigured.

If he really was a "stand-in", and if his looks were ruined, no longer resembling Ryker, would Izabella still give him a second glance?

Casey had never felt so humble, like a deflated ball. He thought that many things were unexplainable, yet they all seemed to tie together.

Whenever Izabella looked at him, it felt like she was looking through him at someone else.

Izabella's resume showed that she came from a rural area where she would never have the chance to meet someone like Brett.

But the relationship between Brett and Izabella felt like they knew each other from a past life. Brett even gave his cat to Izabella, and the way Izabella treated the cat was not like a regular pet.

Previous events were unanswerable, but if he looked at it from another angle, if Izabella was the "Izabella" who died in a fire at the age of 27, then everything could be explained.

Casey closed his eyes, and a vibrating sound suddenly rang in his ears. He followed the sound and saw Izabella's phone on the cabinet.

A Twitter notification popped up. Casey's pupils contracted slightly, not because he saw any important information but because he was contemplating.

He had been in a car accident, and Izabella came to the hospital to find him. What would their fans think?

Even if Izabella hadn't see it before, didn't she know the news of his car accident?

How could she not see it? She must have pretended not to see it, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

This was quite good. At least he could stay by Izabella's side, unlike Brett, who couldn't even get close.

There was a noise outside the door. Casey looked over, "Your phone just rang. It was a Twitter notification."

"It's nothing serious." By her calculations, it should be the termination notice she had set up.

Izabella didn’t even glance at her phone and sat by the bed, and the soup was just the right temperature, ready to be drunk.

Izabella fed him with a spoon, asking him, "Does it taste good?" Watching Casey eat, she asked.

"Yeah, it's delicious." In reality, it was just ordinary soup with some mushrooms and a hint of salt. It wasn't particularly good, but anything fed from Izabella's hand always tasted better and better the more he drank.

While drinking, Casey asked, "You just left the crew like this? Aren't you afraid people will see?"

Izabella replied, "I didn't think that much then."

Casey tested the waters, "Can I take it as you caring about me?"

"You don't need to take it that way, and I do care about you. I came to the hospital to find you when I saw the trending news about your accident." When Izabella said this, her head was lowered, her eyelashes trembling slightly, like a small fan.

Casey's heart beat in sync with her eyelashes. He asked, "How did you know I was in the hospital? Did you see it online?"

"Do you remember anything after the accident?"

"I remember some things, but mostly I don't."

Izabella didn't hide anything from Casey, telling him everything that happened after his accident. She couldn't find any information about him online, so she went to see Liam, then Brett and found out he was in this hospital. She even talked to his parents for a while when she came in.

She reported everything slowly, like a wife telling her husband what she did during the day.

Izabella was completely unaware of the change in herself.

"That's it. Bunny said something came up at home and left, asking me to stay with you. They'll be here tomorrow."

Casey automatically ignored the front and back, focusing only on the part where she called Brett.


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