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Twisted Ties of Love novel Chapter 427

“As public figures with massive influence, we should make contributions to society, set examples, keep ourselves in check, respect public morals, and set a good example for fans.

However, Kristin Lasley had broken her contract and deceived the public. Therefore, the Maple Group had decided not to provide a platform for anyone who violated morals. Starting today, the Maple Group will terminate all activities of Kristin, and will never allow any immoral actions to disrupt the public morals and order of the society.”

This statement released on the official Twitter account of the Maple Group, along with the termination notice, had caused quite a stir.

Soon, the official Twitter account of the crew also released a termination notice, confirming the news that Kristin was fired.

According to the statement of the Maple Group, this issue was more serious than netizens imagined. This was not just about the termination of a contract, Kristin had also been barred from the company.

Since the acquisition of X Entertainment, the Maple Group has remained silent. Who would've thought their first statement would be such a shocker?

Every sentence was a harsh criticism of Kristin. Was it because of her animal abuse? Or because Kristin's underage fans broke the law in the police station by insulting Izabella?

But it felt like there's more to this than met the eye.

Netizens began to speculate, with the number of netizens increasing today. Some worried about Casey, some were just spectators, and some were discussing the matter. All in all, a night's time was just not enough.

Izabella had been busy all day and was already sleepy. The shooting of the crew was postponed. She decided to deal with Kristin's matter first. She believed Kristin would come knocking in a couple of days.

Izabella rolled over, curled up in bed, her hand clenched into a fist and placed on her chest. This was her sleeping position when she was uneasy.

Casey had slept a lot during the day, but he wasn't very sleepy at night, so he just lay on his side watching Izabella.

This was the first time he and Izabella slept in the same room. If it could always be like this, he would be willing to take the pain.

He couldn't quite remember the images he saw in his dreams, and it felt like he had forgotten something important.

Casey was lost in thought, thinking about the words Brett and the orphanage director had said, the old photograph, the dead people, and the "Izabella" that was burned to death by the fire. The more he thought about it, the more his heart ached.

He didn't know if it was because he was thinking too much, but he fell asleep in the middle of the night, dreaming of the "Izabella" in the photograph again. She was lying on the ground, unable to stand, being swallowed up by the fire.

He ran over to save her, but he couldn't get close, he was sweating bullets.

When he opened his eyes, it was already light outside. Izabella had long since gotten up, and the bed was neatly made.

"You're sweating. Did you have a nightmare again?" Izabella asked.

She asked because that's how he woke up last night.


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