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Vengeful Mate novel Chapter 2

Next day,

When I woke up, I was already on my bed.

so I thought, my brothers might have bought me here.

I got up and went for breakfast after doing my morning routine.

Everyone was sitting and waiting for my dad at the table.

I didn’t know what had happened, but he was not yet coming down.

It’s abnormal.

My dad was very punctual.

After around fifteen minutes he came, and we ate our breakfast.

When we finished eating our breakfast, he told us to meet him in his office.

We went to his office and sit.

My mom was sitting beside him, and I and my brother sit opposite his table.

“What do you want to discuss, dad?” Ariel started when we all were sitting there.

“Yesterday at a party many people came.” dad started saying.

“Yes, we know. We met them.” Aries said.

“Yes. You may have then met Alpha Rick there?” He said, and everyone became alert.

“Yes, we met. He is a good person.” I can say he is a good person from my brother’s expression.

“He wanted to mate with Andrea.” Dad dropped the bomb and everyone became silent.

“What?” he exclaimed. “But she is not eighteen yet.” Ariel is the first one who broke the silence.

“Yes, I know. But he wanted to mate with her.” Dad tried to reason.

“Tell him we don’t agree. Our sister is not eighteen yet, and she needs to wait for her mate.” Arise said firmly.

“Yes, dad. Our sister is the epitome of beauty. She can get anyone she wants. She doesn’t need to marry anyone she doesn’t even know.” Ariel said, softening his tone.

“Sons. You know our pack needs support, and alpha Rick is giving us the support. I can’t ignore his request.” Dad said to persuade them.

“I agree, that you want to strengthen our pack, and Alpha rick can help us. But he can want anything other than Andrea. She is our sister, not anything that he can trade.” Aries said.

“why we even discussing this?” Ariel said and get up being frustrated."Andrea, come with me. We are not doing this dad." Ariel said and I leave with him.

That day, the discussion stopped, and I felt my dad has stopped thinking about that thing. But I was really wrong.


After that day’s breakfast, our family situation became stiff.

We stopped eating together.

Sometimes I heard some arguments between my brother and dad.

But I never thought the arguments were because of me, and the matter is going to make that much destruction in our life.

One day, I was sleeping.

When I felt someone come to my room and lock the door.

When I tried to switch on the light, my mom’s voice came, "don’t turn on the light, dear."She whispered.

I saw her packing my things.

“What happened, mom? Why are you packing my things?” I asked her, but instead of replying, she continued packing.

I went up to her and hold her hand for the answer, “What is happening, mom?” I ask again, but she was not paying any heed to me.

I was getting tensed.

After she packed my things, she took my hand. "Come on, Andrea. You are leaving." She took me outside.

“What? Why? Where are we going, mom?” I ask being clueless. What was she doing?

“We will talk after we leave the pack house,” she said, and we started walking

I went with her, leaving my house and pack behind.

When we were at the outer border of the pack, I saw her face, which I didn’t notice before because of the darkness.

It was full of bruises and I could see she was limping.

“Mom, what happened to you? How did you get hurt?” I asked anxiously.

“There is no time for explanation. You need to leave the pack.” She gave me my bag and tried to hurry.

“No, mom, I am not leaving before you tell me everything. Why I will leave my pack.” I asked, standing there rooted.

“OK, come.” She knew how stubborn I can be.

“Andrea, your dad did this,” she said, showing me the bruises

I knew my father was strict and maybe rude as well. But abuse, I never thought of him like that.

“what? how can he do this to you? He is your mate,” I said, shocked.

“No Andrea. She is not my mate,” she looked sad.

“what?” I was feeling overwhelmed by the truth. What I knew all my life was all false.

Chapter 02 1

Chapter 02 2

Chapter 02 3


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