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Vengeful Mate novel Chapter 4

It had been over nine months since I came here, and soon my final exams were coming.

It would have been held in two to three months.-

I could tell the time, because I was counting days.

I liked it there. My life was going on perfectly, but there was an emptiness.

I knew what that was, my family. But there was nothing I could do.

I had to wait till I was eighteen, and founded my mate, or another way is if my brother became Alpha and I could go back to my pack.

After another three months and one year, I would have been eighteen.

And after another two months of my eighteenth birthday, my brothers would have reached the age to sit on the throne.

Ariel would have been 25, where Aries would have been twenty-three.

On Ariel’s twenty-fifth birthday, he would become the Alpha.

“You just have to wait for few months. It’s only seventeen to eighteen months. Bear with it.” I tried to calm my heart thinking all of this, thinking I will be back soon.

I was in my college.

My classes were over, so I was going back to my apartment when I heard Marina’s voice.

“Anne, are you going home?” Marina came running to me.

“Yes.” I waited for her to reach me, and she tried to catch her breath as she came to me running.

“I heard you are searching for some job?” She asked, and I looked at her confused. How did she get to know?

“Oh, I heard you talking with Johnson.” I realized I told Johnson to let me know if he had any part-time job to offer.

Johnson was our classmate and orphan. He continued his study by doing part-time jobs, and if there was a new job available; he was the first person who had the news.

“Yes, where I worked before the owner died. His son is selling the cafe. So I need a job.” I told her the reason I am looking for the job.

“OK. I can give you a job.” She said, and I gave her a confused look.

“You?” I said, and she told me the reason she is offering me a job

“Not me. My brother was searching for someone, to work as his secretary. So if you are interested, I can talk to him about you.” She said and I was happy that she was thinking about me.

“You know my brother. His previous secretary left her job or you can say he fired her.” She said, and I became worried.

“Why?” I asked, and she gave me a smirk.

“Actually, you know girls these days. They think, as long as you get to cling to someone rich, their future will be secured. But my brother despises these types of girls.”

“But I don’t have any experience,” I said worriedly

“That doesn’t matter. You will learn. As long as you don’t try seducing him, he will not fire you. You can learn slowly.” She said with a smile.

I look at her offended, “You think I am some kind of slut, who will flirt with any boy?”

“No, I didn’t say that don’t feel offended. I was just joking. But my brother is so hot the girl can’t resist his charm. You know this is the third time in a month that he fired his secretary.” She said with a sigh.

“Really?” I asked shocked

“Yes. I know how you are. I mean, you are beautiful and any boy will fall for you. But you never look at them. So I am sure you will cope with him.” She tried to reason.

If I wouldn’t have known how she was, I would have felt bad. But I knew she talked without thinking, but her heart was pure.

“Don’t worry, I will not flirt with him. I am waiting for my mate,” I said in a joking tone, and we both smile.

“Aww, So cute. You know my brother is also like you. I mean, he doesn’t say, but I know he is waiting for his mate.” She said proudly.

“My mother says mate is the best gift you can get in your life,” I said, and my eyes clouded with tears. I miss them.

“Right, you never talk about your family. You are a werewolf, so you may have a family in your pack. Then why do you live here in between humans?” She asks curiously.

“We will talk about it later. Tell me about the job.” I said try to avoid the topic.

“OK. Right. Go to this address.” She gave me a card, “Just tell them my name and you will get the job.”

“OK, and thanks, I needed this.” I hugged her, and she hugged me back.

“Don’t mention. You are a good girl and serious about your work. I know you will be perfect for the work. And I am just worried about my brother, so in both, I win.” She said, and we parted our ways.

Next day,

I got ready to go to the office.

I had already applied for leave in my college.

I told them; I needed to do a job to afford my living.

As I did well in my last semester, they told me they will accept my leave.

I just need to attend the exam if I can manage both. But with the condition, I wouldn’t neglect my studies.

I just agreed with their condition.

I knew I can manage. After all, I couldn’t afford to miss my scholarship.

I knew the money mom has given is enough for my food and clothes for this year.

But I didn’t want to sit idle and spend all the money.

Chapter 04 1


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