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Honey You Are My Lucky Star (Callen and Chelsea) novel Chapter 157

I stopped and didn't look back. I could also feel that Louie was looking at me.

I didn't want to look back, and I didn't want to stay here and clearly see Harrison and Abbie standing together. But helplessly, I was indeed the representative of the company, but they were the bosses who came to visit today. I had no choice but to stay with them.

"I'm enough." Louie turned around and said, and then he told me, "The rest of the work needs you to help me solve. Mr. Liu is not here today, so I'll leave everything to you."

Looking at Louie gratefully, I nodded and left in a hurry. I didn't care about the three pairs of eyes behind me at all.

As soon as I reached the corner, I hid in the corner of the wall, with my hands clenched in front of my chest, and my mind was in a mess. If I had known that Abbie would come with me, I would definitely not have come to work today, and I would not have encountered such an awkward situation.

But Harrison seemed to want me to see it. Every time I wanted to escape, he had to force me to stay.

Thinking about how we were fine last night and how we had become like this in less than a morning, I couldn't figure it out. Looking at the situation, it wasn't an accident or a hasty decision for Abbie to come over. Perhaps she had been waiting to come with Harrison for a long time.

What about Harrison? Did Harrison know that Abbie would appear?

The moment this question appeared in my mind, I wanted to laugh, because I felt that this idea was very funny. How could Harrison not know that Abbie would appear? Even if they had come together, it would not have surprised me.

And from beginning to end, I was the only one who was entangled. I was immersed in my own world, thinking about everything, making all kinds of excuses for all his actions, completely ignoring the real feelings in my heart.

Standing against the wall alone, I closed my eyes and tried to swallow the tears that were about to flow out again. Because I didn't want to go on like this. Since a few years ago, I knew that I would live alone for the rest of my life. So what was there to worry about?

"But it's just a man's trick. It's not the first time I've been cheated. Why should I feel so uncomfortable?"

He told himself over and over again in his heart that nothing would happen. Nothing would happen. Nothing would happen at all. Even if he was alone, he could still live a good life...

"Sister Chelsea, what's wrong with you?" A worried voice came into my ears.

My heart skipped a beat and I quickly realized who it was. "I'm fine. Why are you here?"

Liu Qian looked me up and down carefully. After making sure that I was fine, she was relieved. "I was about to go to the office to send the information, but there was no one in the office. I just saw you standing here alone.

Sister Jianing, are you uncomfortable and need to take leave?"

"It doesn't matter. I probably didn't eat anything in the morning."

It was not easy to get rid of this problem. Liu Qian and I went back to the work area. When we got to Louie's position, I found that there was nothing on it at all. It could be said that everything was neat and tidy.

The colleague next to him looked at me in surprise. "What's the matter?"

"If Louie said he had work to do, he asked me to help him deal with it," I said truthfully.

I was worried that my colleagues would suspect our relationship, so I specially explained it. But in short, it was useless, because my colleagues looked at me with speechless eyes.

His colleague sighed and said, "Don't joke around. How could that pervert Louie fail to arrange a good job? His job has been completed a long time ago."

Finally, under the resentful gaze of my colleagues, I turned around and returned to my seat.


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