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Honey You Are My Lucky Star (Callen and Chelsea) novel Chapter 195

Hearing Liu Qian's sudden question, I was also stunned.

Although I had a good relationship with Liu Qian since I started working in the company, I had not yet reached the level of heart and soul. She was careless and had no scruples in her words. I also appreciated her appearance. As time went by, I naturally got closer and closer.

But what I didn't expect was that our relationship was further improved because of Harrison. Liu Qian fell in love with him at first sight.

"I'm not like you young people. It doesn't matter whether I like it or not." I joked and didn't answer her question directly.

Obviously, Liu Qian didn't take my words seriously. Instead, she said seriously, "Sister Chelsea, don't think too much. It's not a big deal to break off the engagement. You will meet a better man in the future." "But if you want to find another unmarried woman, I think it's still a little difficult." After that, Liu Qian added.

I had nothing to say. I opened my mouth and closed it again. Fortunately, Louie came out of the office to inform me of work, so I asked Liu Qian to leave and go back to her seat.

Louie was talking about work and rest in front of me. I sat in my seat and thought about it in a mess. What Liu Qian said echoed in my ears. Liu Qian was still a new human, and she had just graduated from college. She was still young and young.

A young man like her should be more open-minded, but even if she heard what I said just now, she would be embarrassed when she found a man who had not been married in the future. What if others knew?

"If my colleagues know that I'm with Harrison in the future, what will they think?"

I guess he won't believe it. Maybe he will think that Harrison is just playing with me, and wait for the day when I'm abandoned.

"Well, that's all we need to do in this month." Louie said, "As for the personnel changes of the company's top management, don't discuss it in private. We will inform them when the time comes."

After I came back to my senses, I heard this sentence. It was over before I could record it. Fortunately, after that, Louie came to me.

"Are you in a bad state?" Louie asked in a low voice.

Glancing at the colleagues around me, I made sure that no one noticed me. Then I said, "You can rest well, but you didn't listen carefully when you were talking."

"You can do it too," Louie said with a smile.

I don't know if it's my illusion, but I can faintly feel the slight doting in Louie's helpless tone.

I believe that every woman has such an idea. They think that being liked is worth money. Am I valuable now? Don't you look down upon me because of my marriage and divorce?

"When will they take office?" I asked again after he gave me his instructions.

"Didn't we just say that we would inform them at that time?" Louie said softly.

I frowned and looked at him with dissatisfaction. "Why are you still hiding this? Don't worry, I won't make trouble in the middle."

I thought that he was afraid that I would make trouble for him, so I quickly expressed that I did not have such an intention. The problem was that even if I really had the intention to make trouble for him and wanted to take Abbie away so that she could not come to the company, I would have the ability to do so.

I'm now just an ordinary employee. I don't have the right or the right to know anyone. How can I compare to Abbie?

"Even if he really has the ability, it should be Harrison. But looking at the situation, it's not suitable for him to act rashly. I don't want him to be difficult because of me." Thinking of this, I couldn't help sighing.

"Don't think too much. I didn't tell you because I haven't decided yet. I'll tell you when it's arranged." After that, Louie got up and left.


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