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Honey You Are My Lucky Star (Callen and Chelsea) novel Chapter 380

"Princess Snow White left the palace to live with the seven dwarf, but the Empress was still unwilling to let her go, so she kept sending people to kill the princess. Finally, Princess Snow White ate the poisonous apple and fell asleep for a long time.

If it weren't for the prince's kiss, Snow White would never wake up."

I told the whole story to Aviana. After that, I was worried that she could not understand, so I explained, "The reason why I described you as a poisonous apple is that you have always been very beautiful in my eyes, but the fact is not like this."

Aviana bit her lip and glared at me. "I guess she must want to rush over and slap me now." In fact, my idea was soon confirmed. Aviana suddenly raised her hand and waved it at me. Because I was not prepared, I didn't realize that I had to avoid it. I just watched the slap getting closer and closer to me.

Although I didn't avoid it, I still felt the pain. I closed my eyes before she hit me.

However, the pain did not come as expected. I opened my eyes curiously and saw Gao Yang standing in front of me, holding Aviana's hand with one hand.

"Have you had enough?" Gao Yang asked impatiently.

"No, no, no!" Aviana growled.

Aviana questioned angrily, "Why are you all on her side now? Did this woman give you some ecstasy? Is that why you are so good to him? Harrison has become like this, and now even you are like this."

"Your imagination is too rich." After that, Gao Yang let go of her hand.

I could understand the anger and grievance in Aviana's heart, and even the feeling of being betrayed. The traitor was none other than Harrison and Gao Yang.

Although I don't know much about their relationship, since Harrison was her childhood sweetheart and Gao Yang knew Aviana, it proved that they had known each other before. Maybe it was because of the relationship between them.

Thinking of this relationship for no reason, I was in a good mood. After all, no matter what, Harrison was not the only one who was her childhood sweetheart.

Because she was standing behind Gao Yang, I couldn't see Aviana's expression clearly. I could only hear her voice. She asked Gao Yang in a hoarse voice, "We are clearly friends. You've been taking care of me the most since I was a child. But what's going on now?"

Gao Yang didn't answer, still standing in front of me.

"Are you also confused by this woman? Or are you blaming me for leaving that year? But you should know that I was forced to leave. How can I live well in that family?"

The more I listened to Aviana's words, the more frightened I became.

She and Maisy were sisters, but just now she said that if she didn't leave, she couldn't live well at home. What kind of logic was this?

How could sisters do such a thing? But no matter how curious I was, I couldn't say a word.

However, this kind of surprise was far less than Gao Yang's silence. Gao Yang, who had always been the most talkative and most fond of laughing, did not say a word.

I stood behind Gao Yang and carefully stuck to him. Looking at his expression through the gap, I really couldn't blame her for being a coward. It was because if I showed my face, maybe she would be even angrier.

As soon as I saw Aviana's tearful face, Aviana suddenly raised her fist and hit on Gao Yang. The sound of "Dong dong dong" made me scared. I had never seen a woman beating a man.

Aviana must have been heartbroken. Otherwise, how could she have done such a thing in front of me?

At this moment, Gao Yang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said in a low voice, "Qiao die, things in the past have passed. If you can't look forward, you'd better go!"


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