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Honey You Are My Lucky Star (Callen and Chelsea) novel Chapter 60

"You are not qualified to judge me?" I look at him coldly.

He cheated on me, killed my child and divorced me. Did I do anything wrong?

I didn't. So why should I listen to him speak ill of me?

Maybe I'm being soft all the time, so he and Maisy think I'm a pushover. If I was strong enough, they wouldn't dare mess with me!

He grabs my shoulders tightly and growls, "Chelsea, you're not gonna get anywhere with Harrison. He won't be yours. Why won't you listen to me?" It sounds like I betrayed him.

The voice-activated light alternates between bright and dark, making him look like a demon.

No, he is a devil. He killed his own child!

"Get out of my way!" I tried my best to push him away and quickly go upstairs.

I just don't want to see him again. But soon, he grabs me from behind and carries me straight down the stairs.

I don't dare to shout loudly because many people in this community know me. If they

see us, they'll gossip again. I don't want my mother to hear rumors about me and Callen.

"After you guys left, I drove off by myself. I can't stop thinking about you. I thought of the sweet moments we had together and how close you were to Harrison. Jealousy drives me crazy!" Callen gets more and more excited.

But I stay calm, as if I were listening to someone else's story.

He continues, "Less than a month after I divorced you, Maisy told me she wasn't pregnant at all. She lied. She'd been sleeping with different men since she was a teenager, and she'd had numerous miscarriages. I can't believe I married a slut for my career!"

"Then why did she choose you?" I ask calmly.

He pauses for a moment. I thought he didn't want to say it, but he whispers, "She said she fell in love with me at first sight."

I can't help but laugh out loud. Turns out my marriage fall apart because of a slut.

I don't know whether to blame Maisy or thank her for the divorce.

Breaking free from his grasp, I take a few steps back to keep a distance from him. "Should I remind you that we're already divorced?"

"So what? We can still be together! Harrison is not the one. He may be interested in you now, but when he gets tired of you, he'll dump you."

My heart aches, and I almost can't breathe. It really pains me to hear it from him.

I know I'm not good enough for Harrison. I tell myself that all the time, but I still can't accept someone saying it out loud.


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