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Honey You Are My Lucky Star (Callen and Chelsea) novel Chapter 75

I open the door and see a dark, empty home. I didn't turn on the light. I just feel my way.

I've lived in this place with my mom for as long as I can remember. Now I'm the only one here. I feel empty and lonely.

I'm sitting on the couch, watching a soap opera. The sound of the television echoes through the empty house, while my mind is occupied with something else.

I think back to the time I left Harrison outside his villa.

When I said I didn't want him, he had no expression on his face. He didn't even frown. His coldness killed me.

He said, "Chelsea, are you sure you won't regret it?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

In fact, I was lying. Maybe soon after I leave him, I'll miss him desperately and can't wait to get back to him.

Because I know no one will ever help me as he did. Even when I was in love with Callen, he wasn't that nice to me.

But the thing is, Harrison and I never gonna

work out. I tried to reassure myself that I just needed to enjoy the moment, but then I realized I couldn't.

I couldn't be more upset to see him eating with another woman and calling me a friend. If he falls in love or gets married in the future, I might die of grief. Therefore, breaking up with him now is my way of protecting myself.

That was why I got in the car and left his house.

Early the next morning, I go to the post office. He doesn't want the black card, but I still decided to send it back to him. I don't want to owe him anymore.

But I'm not gonna pay off my debts or the medical bills. Others may think I sold myself for the money, but I don't think it's shameful to sell myself at my most desperate.

When no one will lend you money and you get fired, will you turn down the only person who will help you?

No matter what people think, I don't regret accepting Harrison's help.

I stretch out after coming out of the post office. Closing my eyes, I feel the breeze on my face. It's so relaxing.

What's been bothering me for so long is

finally over. There's a hole in my heart, but I can try to ignore it.

On the way home, I go to the agency to register my personal information for job hunting. Although I'm alone now, I need to feed myself.

I thought about starting a business with my compensation money, but the economy hasn't been good these past few years.

I'm more of a risk- averse person. Maybe that's why I'm not rich.


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