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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 87

~One Year Later~

“Bababa!” Alice called out to James, who was busy eating Amelia out in the kitchen.

“James… James… Alice has been calling on you for minutes. Won’t you go and see her?” Amelia’s voice was barely heard by James.

He raised his head from between Amelia’s legs and looked at her face. His lips curved out a smirk slowly and he stood up.

He kissed her lips so she could taste herself in his mouth.

“Can’t you just take her to school already? She doesn’t let me get freaky the way I want.” He whispered a few inches away from her lips.

Amelia chuckled and pulled him closer with her legs. “I already told you that I’m working on that. I don’t want her to go to school in Alabama. Let’s go somewhere far from here.”

“To where exactly? You’ve been saying this for months and I keep asking you where we should go. Are you yet to figure it out?”

“I told you to let me know when you can leave the business here and relocate. Have you found someone competent to look over things here?”

“Not yet. I talked to my father about it, and he is working on it. What about your mother? She is ready to go with us?”

“She had been ready since the first day I thought about it. She was even the one that suggested it. I’ll ask her where she wants to go. Though I have Paris in mind. What do you think?”

James chuckled and moved closer to her.

“You’re my wife. I am fine with anything you want, okay? Don’t worry about my business, it’s back to life, and in no time, father will get someone competent. I could still be overseeing this place until we find someone.”

He kissed her lips again after speaking and she let out an hearty smile.

“So in a month’s time, we should be out of here, right?”

“That is if it isn’t faster than that. Make sure you do whatever you want to do in Alabama in two weeks. Visit whoever you want to visit before we get out of here.”

“Bababa!!” They heard Alice call from the living room again.

“James! What kind of parents are we?!” Alice yelled and jumped down from the cabinet. She pulled up her pants and ran into the living room.

Alice was still seated in her crawler, playing different toys that James got for her.

“Why does she keep calling me?! She is literally playing with her toys right now. Let’s just go back and finish what we started.”

He wanted to grab Amelia by the hand and pull her back to the kitchen, but she hurriedly moved away.

“No! Your daughter needs you now, so attend to her, okay?! You are a father.”

“But I’m also a husband.”

“You can be that later. Right now, you need to be a father. Now come and carry her.”

“No, you do it!”

“No! She never calls me. It’s always you! Sometimes I wonder who carried her for nine months.” Amelia began to sulk, and James ignored her and moved closer to Alice.

“Hey, my baby.” He said to Alice, and Alice smiled very widely. She raised her hands happily and began to jump cutely.

“Yeeee…” James lifted her in his arms and tossed her in the air and they both chuckled loudly.

Amelia rolled her eyes and walked back to the kitchen. Before she got to the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

“Who is it this time?” Amelia mumbled and shot James a deadly look.

“Why are you so mad?! She knows the most loving parent, you don’t have to be so mad about it.”

“Shut up, James. I’ll go get the door.”

Amelia walked to the door and peered out of the peephole to see a flower bouquet in front of the door. It was lifted by someone, but she wasn’t sure who it was.

“James, didn’t you order flowers?” She asked, and James shook his head and kept playing with Alice.

“Ahh…” She sighed and opened the door.

“Ta-da!” Elena yelled, and they both bursted into laughter.

“Elena!!! I missed you so much!” Amelia jumped on her and Elena lifted her and rolled her. They both laughed loudly, making sure they didn’t let go of each other.

“I missed you too sister! I brought this flower for Alice, not for you though! Where is she? I have missed her so much.”

Amelia stopped holding her and folded her arms on her chest. “So I don’t deserve flowers too? What’s with all of you? You love Alice more than me.”

“It’s normal! You’re a grown bad b**ch. Alice is a young beautiful girl. It’s her time to enjoy these things, okay?”

“Fine. She is busy playing with her father. Come in. We have so much to talk about. How was your business trip? Did you find a man there?! I heard New York men are super hot.”

“Oh please. Let me talk to Alice first, okay?”

James looked up and saw Elena coming towards him with a large flower bouquet in her hand.

She looked more beautiful and classy than the last time he saw her. It was over a year since he last saw her.

“Hi James. Can I hold her?” She asked, and he bounced his head.

She carried her from him and lifted her in the air.

“I missed you so much, Alice! Do you remember me at all?” She asked, and all Alice did was laugh, revealing her pretty gums.

“How was your trip, Elena?” James asked, and she placed Alice on her arm and looked at him.

Chapter 87: Happiness 1

Chapter 87: Happiness 2


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