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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 83

Throughout the impromptu ride to the hospital, Penelope was quiet and in shock.

Elena kept asking her why she called that strange woman Clara, but she seemed too stunned to speak.

They got to the nearest hospital shortly, and Susan was rushed into the emergency ward. They were all asked to wait outside for the doctor and nurses to do their work.

Amelia seemed to be more worried than the others because she feared something bad must have happened to her.

“She’ll be fine, Amelia.” James tried to console her.

Amelia shook her head and exhaled pretty hard. “I asked her to come with me, and now this happens? What if something bad happens to her? She has a guardian. What should I tell her if she finds out?” She worriedly answered.

James didn’t know what to do other than console her till they heard from the doctor what had really happened. He didn't know anything about her yet.

“Come here.” He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. He patted her head slowly and planted a kiss on her forehead.

“Why does this have to happen now? When will I ever have a real long time of happiness?” Amelia mumbled against his chest.

“Hey… don’t think like that. This is not as bad as you think it is. Let’s hear from the doctor first. I’m here now. I’m sorry I haven’t been here to protect you and our baby. Please forgive me.”

Amelia shook her head and tightened her grip around his torso. “Don’t be sorry, James. You didn’t do anything. This is all on Fred…”

“And whosoever put him up to do this. I swear on my life, that person would not go unpunished.” James added, and Amelia kept mute.

Elena and Penelope exchanged looks after hearing James’ statement.

Helen took a peek at Alice in her arms and realized that she had fallen asleep. She smiled softly and shifted her attention to Penelope.

“Penelope, can you please tell us why you called that woman Clara? Who is Clara? How did you two get to know each other?” Helen bombarded her with questions.

“Yes, that is true. Elena has been asking you all through our drive down here why you called that woman Clara. Is that her name? And why did she have to react like that to you calling her?”

Penelope gulped hard and stared at them without uttering any words. She was still in shock and unsure about what she saw.

“Clara is her name. She is my surrogate mother we all thought was dead.” Amelia butted in.

“What?!” They all exclaimed, excluding Penelope and James, who seemed pretty aware of it.

“How is that possible?” Elena asked.

“I’m yet to know, Elena. All I know is that she is my mom that was shot five years ago, and that is why Mrs. Penelope was able to recognize her. Am I right, Mrs. Penelope?”

Everyone shifted their gazes from Elena, and they fell on Penelope again. Penelope gulped hard and lowered her head.

“Yes.” She muttered.

‘Oh wow. Now I know why she couldn’t speak when I asked her questions. Is she too shocked to see her alive, or is she beginning to feel guilty about it?’ Elena thought.

“This is crazy. Crazy things keep happening. So she wasn’t dead all these time? Why didn’t she show up after she fully recovered from the incident?” Helen inquired.

“According to her, she lost her memory. I think this was after the trauma she passed through that night. She herself isn’t so conversant with what is happening. She still can’t believe that I’m her daughter.”

“But she followed you back from the shopping mall. She must have trusted you before going with you.” Elena uttered.

“Yes. Who knows? She must have felt the atmosphere wasn’t wrong after all. I have so many unanswered questions and all I can ask for now is that she wakes up without complications.”

“She wouldn’t. Let’s just hope positively.”

Everyone went quiet and got busy with their own thoughts.

‘How could she have survived it? Fred said they were all dead and disposed. How is Clara still breathing? Was there a mistake somewhere, or did Fred lie about this?’

Penelope clenched her jaws and lowered her head in anger and distress. ‘This better not be what I’m thinking.’


After several minutes of waiting for the doctor, he finally walked out of the ward and they all rushed up to him.

“Doctor, how is she?” Amelia eagerly inquired.

“She is out of danger. She was under an attack because of the current condition of her health. Who is her family here?”

“Me! I am her daughter, and this is my husband.”

“Please follow me to the office. The others should wait behind.” He ordered.

Amelia and James followed behind him until they got to his office. He asked them to sit on the chairs in front of his desk as he got rid of his robe.

“According to the tests we carried out, we found out that Mrs. Susan has Amnesia syndrome. She is unable to recall what has happened some time ago, and I believe this must have been caused by a traumatic event. Are you aware that she was once operated on?”


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