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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 82

First, James pinched her chin and ripped her dress, but then he dared to grab her hair and pull it back. If Maria hadn't retaliated, his fist might have been the next thing to hit her.

At that moment, James touched the cheek Maria had just slapped and glared at her. This woman really had the guts to challenge him like no one else would.

As James kept silent, Maria continued, "I have a temper too. If you dare to tear another dress of mine in the future, I'll burn your entire wardrobe! If you pinch my chin again, I'll slap you in the face. If you pull my hair, I'll pull yours too! Hmm..."

All of a sudden, Maria was caught off guard as James' mouth came down on hers.

With his dark eyes filled with rage, the man bit on her red lips hard.

The pain was so intense that Maria couldn't find her voice or make a sound.

'What a pervert! James Xi, you're a real freak!' Maria thought.

With one hand, James held her by the waist, and with the other, he grabbed the tie he had put on the back of the chair. Looking into the woman's frightened eyes, he tied her wrists together. As Maria thought James would throw her to other men again, he pushed her against the table and did whatever he wanted to her himself.

In the following hours, Maria suffered a lot. Even the security guards outside Fairview Villa could hear her occasional screams.

It was only at two o'clock in the morning that the man walked out of the villa with his short hair a mess while smoking a cigarette.

Wearing a shirt he had casually found in the closet upstairs, he had the same trousers he had on when he first came in.

He didn't even bother to fix his hair before getting in his car, even though it looked like a bird's nest.

In the Harkim, James exhaled some smoke and pulled out his phone to call the head of security. With his voice slightly hoarse, he commanded, "Send me one of your men. I'm in the car."

Within two minutes, a security guard trotted towards the car. Then he sat in the driver's seat and drove James away from Fairview Villa.

The lights in the villa remained on all night long.

By the time Maria woke up, she looked at the luxurious chandelier in the living room's ceiling and wondered whether she was dead or alive.

Gradually, the memories from last night rushed back to her, and soon she realized she was alive.

Somehow, she had managed to survive James' torture.

After a long time, she finally moved her body, but as expected, she felt pain everywhere.

In fact, it would be odd if she didn't feel hurt. James had seemed determined to give her a hard time.

Looking around, she saw the complete mess it was left in the living room and dining room as a result of the fierce lesson James had taught her there.

Last night, after James had put on his trousers, he ruthless told her before walking out, "Maria Song, remember that even if HM Group gets the project in the end, it was you who traded your body and dignity for it!"

Indeed, she had traded all those things for the cooperation between HM Group and HL Group, not to mention the trust Colby would place in her afterward.

However, Maria believed it was worth it. She had no regrets.

After all, the man she gave herself to in exchange for everything was none other than James Xi.

Although the process had been a little insufferable, Maria didn't care about it as long as she achieved her goal.

She might have risked James taking his game a little too far and killing her, but she had to go through with it in order to gain Colby's trust, which was a fundamental part of her plan.

Lying in the bathtub with bruises all over her body, Maria slowly sank to the bottom.

She felt as if she was back to the day she and James got divorced.

She recalled the downpour, the H River in the city, and every nasty word she had to endure as she watched the blood mix with the rainwater on the ground.

Suddenly, her chest constricted, and she felt it was hard to breathe.

If she died then, would it relieve her from her pain? Would she go on to a more beautiful world, with no sorrow or cruel people expecting for her on the other side?


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