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A Vengeful Ex-Wife novel Chapter 83

Alina was so selfish. She wouldn't lift a finger help the Qin family. Stella sighed when she thought of how toxic their friendship was.

So she called Alina to piss her off. She kept her tone even. "Hi, Alina!"

"What's up?" Glancing at the caller ID, Alina didn't feel like talking to Stella. The Qin family was in dire straits. She didn't want to irritate James by talking to someone he was angry with.

"Do you know where Mr. Xi was last night?"

Alina was taken aback by the question. She didn't live with him. How would she know his whereabouts last night? "What are you talking about? Get to the point!"

"Well, I have a friend at HL Group. Everyone in their company has been gossiping about Mr. Xi this morning..."


Stella wasn't going to keep her guessing. She pinned her hopes on Alina saving Qin Group, so she had to be nice to her. "Someone saw Mr. Xi start work early—like two or three in the morning early." Alina breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought it was something serious. He usually does that, right? He's is a workaholic."

"This time was weird. His hair was all mussed. He's usually anal about keeping it combed. The real shocker was what his secretary saw when she pushed his door open."

And the circumstances surrounding this made it weird, not the fact that he was burning the midnight oil. From Alina knew, no one ever saw James like that. His image was too important.

Alina's heart skipped a beat when she heard Stella's words. She got quite annoyed. "Stella Qin! I don't have the patience for this! Get to the point!"

"The secretary saw Mr. Xi without his shirt. Underneath, he was covered in scars. These crisscrossed his back, like in a moment of passion. Some woman must have scratched him with her nails. You really don't know?"

Scratches? Alina's mind went blank. Could it be Maria?

Maria Song! She wanted to kill that bitch!

Although Alina believed James had been sleeping with her since she blew back into town, every time she heard or saw them flirting with each other, Alina boiled over in anger.

Last time, Maria bit and broke the skin on James' lower lip, and this time she let him go to work all disheveled and signed her name across his back with her nails. Alina thought Maria was doing this deliberately to piss her off. She was practically strangled by the jealousy and fury surging in her heart.

Alina made a decision to turn this around. She gritted her teeth and ordered, "Ask your friend in HL Group to tell everyone James stayed at my house last night!"

Stella went silent for a moment, then said in an embarrassed tone, "Well...here's the problem. If Mr. Xi hears that you and I started that rumor, he's going to get mad. And you know what happens then."

"Just do what I said!" Alina closed her eyes and tried her best to suppress her anger. 'Damn that Maria Song!' she swore inwardly.

"Alina, Qin Group is in trouble. It's all my fault. I went to bat for you and paid the price. I — "

Alina was annoyed by her hesitation. She knew why Stella didn't want to do this. She also didn't care. "I'll ask Tang Group to take care of Qin Group. Just do it, okay?"

"Really? Thank you so much, Alina. I'll call my friend right now!" Although Tang Group was not as powerful as HL Group, it was on the Fortune 500 Global list. If Tang Group got involved, then Qin Group might be okay.


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