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ADOPTED HEIR novel Chapter 4

ADOPTED HEIR **Her birthday**

Isabella's P O V-

How time flies, I can't believe it's finally my day. Like, today is my birthday.

I've been receiving a lot of cards from the kids at school lately. Karen has even organized a small birthday party at her house with her parents approval and I'm headed over to her house right about now.

Her driver should be here any minute.

"Look at my grand baby. Who gave you that dress?" Grandma walked out from the kitchen with a big container that I know is full of cookies she baked on her own.

Grams is a great cook. The greatest cook and I've been learning from her. I still don't know when I'll be able to make delicious food like the ones she makes.

It might take ten years for me to get to her level.

"Uh...mom bought this dress for me for my thirteenth birthday," I answered.

"And you are wearing it for your fifteenth? Isn't it too tight for you?" She asked, staring all over my body.

Yeah, the dress is kinda tight but I'm willing to endure. I also have to be very pretty, this dress is one of a kind.

Tho we weren't rich but mom bought this dress at a mall and at a very high price.

"Your hair also looks nice. Who styled your hair for you?" Gram asked.

I took my hand to my hair.

"I did it myself, I learnt how to style it two days ago and I guess it's okay right?"

"Yes, it is. It's very beautiful, it looks good on you." Grandma shook her head, a smile lighting her beautiful face.

Grandma is a real beauty, my mom got her beauty from her and I got my beauty from my mom, making me twice as beautiful as grandma. Lol. That's what she always says.

That I'm twice as beautiful as her.

"Okay, be careful there. Don't take any alcoholic drink, but I want you to enjoy yourself very well. Don't hold back, don't think of your studies, just enjoy yourself okay?" Grams advised as she dressed the upper side of my wear.

"Okay ma. I'll take this, bye." I waved at her and rushed out of the sitting room with the container.

I already heard the hones of a car and I'm very excited.

Karen's car came into view soon enough, I rushed over to the car. Placed the container at the boot of the car and went into the back side.

The driver turned and left for Karen's house.


I got down from the car after Karen's driver parked properly at the garage. I opened the door and stepped out.

"Here comes the beautiful celebrant of today!" Karen screamed and rushed over to me.

Few of the students that were already present followed suit. As expected, they were all dressed beautifully for my birthday. I'm happy that I'm even more beautiful.

Karen embraced and kissed my two cheeks which has light makeup on it.

"Happy birthday to you!"

"Happy birthday to you!!" They all sang at once.

"Thanks everyone. Thanks for showing up for my birthday!" I thanked with a huge smile on my face.

"Come. Mom had the chiefs prepare all sort of meal, they are at the dinning. Let's go," Karen pulled me along with her.


About eight hours later.

The kids that attended my party started leaving with their drivers and friends. It's already dark.

I appreciate everyone of them for showing up today and the number of gifts I received are no jokes. They are all expensive items.

"Isabella," Karen suddenly called as she descended down her stairs.

"Yes," I answered and focused my attention on her. The tone she used in calling my name sounded very urgent.

"Come, there is one more place I'd like to take you. Come on," she gestured as she ran out from the sitting room.

I dropped the cake with me and followed her out. She entered her car, I entered with her.

"Where is that?" I asked, staring into her face.


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