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Alpha Raze's Surrogate Mate novel Chapter 3

"What?!" Father blurts out. "Have you been drinking, Amber?"  "No, Father. I haven't.

I'm as sober as the next man."  "Your words say the complete opposite. You speak like an inebriated fool." He blasts me.

I try to ignore his hurtful words, despite how badly they sting. "Father, I swear it.

I really overheard Reece. He's planning to betray you."  "I see you've gone mad." He chuckles bitterly.

In the next second, he hits me hard on my face, right where Reece had smacked me earlier.

I let out a painful shrill, cowering from his monstrous assault. I should get used to it by now, he's been like this with me since I knew him.

But it hurts anew each time. I can never get used to my father, beating me up at the slightest offense.  "If you're looking for my attention, then earn it the right way.

Don't go around spewing so much nonsense. That won't get you my attention.

It'll only get you more slaps from me. Do you understand?!"  I nod frantically, choking from my deep sobs. He walks to the nightstand, grabs the glass of water there, and returns to where I'm standing.

"I hope this wakes you up from your delusional state." He says and throws the water on my face.

It soaks my silver dress, making it transparent.  "Go get changed. You look like some cheap whore." He scoffs in disgust and walks out of the room.  I let out my sobs, but it grows into a full-blown wail.

My heart is heavy and all I wanna do is bawl out the pain. But I can't, 'cause someone walks in, and I have to quiet down.  I look up to see Reece, standing at the door and staring at me with amusement.

"Told you he wasn't gonna believe a word you'll say. But you're too damn stupid, ain't you?" He laughs, running his tongue over his lips.

"I'm sure you feel like trash after getting brushed off like that. You poor thing."  My chest thumps faster at the uncontrollable rage building in my heart.

I clench my hands into fists, trying to control myself.

"Here." He tosses a handkerchief to my face. "Wipe off your shame. I'll be waiting to have the last dance with you."   He turns to leave and I flip, doing the most irrational thing ever.

"I, Amber Reagan, reject you, Reece Trent, as my mate and future Alpha King."   He freezes at the spot and turns with an unbelievable stare. "What did you just do?"  "Something I should have done a long time ago.

Go ahead and accept it." I say, with the last ounce of bravery in me.

It's an irreparable scar and completely fetal when a female werewolf rejects her male mate.

The kind of scar I plan on leaving on Reece forever.  "How dare you, slimy mutt?!" He barks indignantly.

The next day, I'm standing in the middle of the pack council. My limbs are shaking from the hard stares fixed on me. I can't help but feel like prey amid hungry werewolves.

Father is on his throne, staring daggers at me.

The elders have scowls on their faces, as they whisper unpleasant stuff about me. There are a thousand spectators outside, and I can't begin to imagine what they're saying about me.  "Let's begin this trial." The oldest elder announces.

He takes out a scroll and reads from it. "Amber Reagan, do you admit to unlawfully rejecting your mate?"  The answer is both a yes and a no. Yes, I rejected him.

But no, it isn't unlawful. Anyone who has an abusive mate should be entitled to reject them.

So far, it's okay for males to do it, but a taboo when females do it. These laws must have been written by a male chauvinist.

"I have my reasons. If you could only hear me out." I mumble fearfully. The main reason I rejected Reece was to be brought here. So I could be heard and then publicly expose him.

Chapter 3 1

Chapter 3 2

Chapter 3 3


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