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Alpha Raze's Surrogate Mate novel Chapter 4


The pursuit lasts for an hour, leaving me almost breathless.

I'm tired and need to stop, but I can't. Not when they won't stop chasing after me.

I keep running aimlessly crashing into trees and bruising my soft, wolf body.

I suck up the pain and keep running until I finally realize that they are gone. I wasn't hearing their howls anymore.

They are really gone.  I fall tiredly to the ground as I slowly morph into my human form.

I feel so exhausted and out of life. Damn. How did I get here? I've never had an easy life, but how did it get so worse?  I've always been a crybaby but today, it's on a whole new level.

The tears were choking me, ridding me of air. I hit my chest repeatedly like that would ease my pain.

My weary heart yearns for a bit of comfort. I've had enough pains to last a lifetime.

I just can't take it anymore.   "Not any more pain, please." I sob, pleading to whoever is watching me for the heavens.

To the Moon Goddess, 'cause she had to be watching, right?  I hope she sees I'm a mess already and she doesn't have to put me through so much agony anymore. I'm not going to try so hard to live right anymore.

All my life I've colored within the lines and look how I ended up. I won't try so hard to be good or seek anyone's acknowledgment anymore. I just wanna be given a chance to live calmly and peacefully.

A chance to start anew. A chance to leave my agonizing past behind.   "Please…please…" My sobs dwindle as I fall into a nap. But the frightening howls from the deep forest woke me up.

I hurry to my feet, slapping off dry leaves that hang in my clothes. It's like a maze here and I'm not sure where to head. But I have to keep moving. And luckily, I might find food somewhere before the sun comes up.

I wander deeper into the forest, getting blisters from tree branches and twigs. I squeeze past an area of clustered trees, landing hard on the ground.   "Ouch.." I groan, struggling to my feet.

I feel a steel-like object lingering in my throat and I gasp. Almost immediately, I feel the presence of creatures. Panic grips me but I remain standing on a spot.

A last-minute thought urges me to try to run, but I get hit on my nape and I'm knocked to the ground.  Firm hands pick me up and I'm forced to go on my bent knee.

I try to get up again but the firm grip on my shoulders pins me on the spot.  "Stay down." A rough voice orders. Then two men appear in front of me.

One of them has a blade aimed at my throat.  "Ple…please, don't kill me…" I mumble helplessly, breaking into fresh tears.  "Not if you tell us what you doing in our borders," The one with the blade says.

They are both wickedly muscular and huge. I could only imagine how big their wolves are gonna be if their human form was this big.

A loud howling goes off in the deep forest and I flinch at it. But the men have mischievous smiles on their faces.

The ground vibrates and I'm utterly terrified. More terrified when we get accosted by two large werewolves. The largest I've ever seen in my life.

Even Reece's wolf wasn't as big as these.  I guess the werewolves were with the men 'cause they stood behind them, with their eyes set on me. One wrong move and I just might be toast.

Oh dear goddess, please save me!  "Would you wanna be ripped open by a blade or sharp claws?" The one with the blade threatened. "Spill it. Who are you?!"  "I – I – please…" I sob harder. It's impossible to tell them who I am.

It'll get things more complicated. I learned the harder way that honesty only gets you killed, not trusted. I can't be honest right now.

"Are you a rogue or a spy? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you're either." The other man speculates, staring more intently at me.  "I'm – I'm not a rogue…"  "Then you are a spy." He cuts in with a nod.  I quickly shake my head to the sides rapidly. " N – No.

I'm not a spy either."  "Are you playing games with us?" The one with the blade seethes. "You got a few seconds to be honest or you'll be gone."  "Please. I beg of you. Please, don't kill me.

Please, have a heart. I beg you…"  The other man chuckles like he's watching his favorite comedy show.

He sighs. "That would work if you were caught stealing something or in any other less serious scenario.


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