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Alpha's Hated Mate novel Chapter 5


The siren sounds and Mikel leaves for his class. Once again Miss ‘I run the show’ is standing in front of me. I've seen enough high school movies to know she's here to mark her territory but I’m not into Mikel like that. Flipping her hair to the back of her head she narrows her eyes at me. “You stepped on the wrong shoes, Gargoyle, you will pay for this.” She declares.

Okay my assumption wasn't so far off, she wants to ruin me. Great, simply amazing.

“Good morning everyone I hope you're all doing fine so today we'll have a Math test that will count for fifty percent of your grade.” A middle aged woman carrying a Dior handbag who I assume is the teacher, announces as she makes her way in. The class murmurs, I mean, I like every subject except art, the only A+ I've ever had was in the first grade.

Setting her handbag on full display, I mean her desk, she straightens. “But first I'm told we have a new classmate, where is she?” She beams.

“The gargoyle in the seat of punishment.” Raquel answers, making the class laugh.

Using her hand, she gestures for me to join her upfront, “Come up here sweetheart and introduce yourself.”

I rise from my seat and turn to face everyone. they're all staring at me, half of them judging me, the other half trying to find ways to judge me.

I take a deep breath to ease my nerves. “Hello, my name is Camilla Mia Burton. I'm sevent....”

“No one cares about your age, just tell us your goddamn name and sit down.” Raquel snorts.

Everyone laughs once again, okay I see this I'm the new kid that makes the popular kid look good and funny. If I don't entertain her or show her she's getting to me, she will find someone else to pick on. I'm sure whoever she was picking on before I got here is over the moon right now.

The Math teacher bangs the chalkboard eraser on the desk to draw attention to her. “Quiet! And Raquel quit being so rude to your classmates or out you go.” She warns.

“I was simply helping her out, Miss Vanderbilt.” She whines.

Miss Vanderbilt, as I’ve learned, places a hand on my shoulder, “Camilla take your seat and we're glad you're joining us. And oh what you don't know is Camilla has been a member of this class since the 10th grade, and she's a great student, I'm sure you've seen her name on your class list or the academic leaderboard.” She grins, dismissing me.

I walk to my seat but someone trips me, making me fall, for the second time today. Everyone laughs including the teacher but she quickly tells them to zip it.

I take my seat wiping tears I didn't notice fell, isn’t this what I wanted? I can hear a taunting voice in my head yelling at me. I wanted to come to school to feel something, experience something new, anything but I hate it here I want to switch classes.

“Alright now, put your pencils, mathematical sets and pens on the desk and err... yes Jessica collect the bags and put them in the front, I don't want to catch anyone cheating. If I catch you cheating, you automatically fail my class.” She deadpans.

We do as she asks and she begins to distribute question papers. There's a knock at the door and Jessica, the girl who collected the bags, opens it, two girls walk in. Judging by the boys' reactions they are popular too and a class favorite.

I can't help but stare at them, they're both beautiful but one more than the other, hazel eyes and raven hair with maroon falling to her back, her skin is glowing so much it could light up a room. The other girl has red hair to compliment her sky blue eyes, but her roots are black, she has a carefree aura about her, they both do.

“You're late.” Jessica tells them, pointing to where the bags are. The red head flips her off and rolls her eyes, the other girl shaking her head at her.

“You are just in time for our maths test. This will count for fifty percent of your grade at the end of the school year. So take a seat wherever you can, I will give you a question paper soon.” Mrs Vanderbilt elaborates.

The two girls look at each other and talk in whispers taking their seats. One is sitting next to me and the other on her left.

Mrs Vanderbilt comes around and hands them a question paper each. She takes another five to ten minutes distributing answer sheets to everyone. She gave us the go ahead and we turned in our papers. When I started flipping through this paper I realised school is way easier than homeschooling. I answered them in record Time and now I am chewing on my Pen clipper.

“Thirty minutes left.” Mrs Vanderbilt announces, making a few people mummer. I take a look around, everyone is rushing now, when I bring my head to the girl next to me. I notice the girl next to me whispering to the one she walked in with.

“I don't know this topic and there are forty marks for it. Only an angel can save us now.” She whisper yells.

“No mummering, little Carter and Rodriguez switch seats with Hannah.” Mrs Vanderbilt orders.

She returns to marking some papers. I look at the girl next to me answering a question wrongly. I want to help her but I don't have to get into more trouble on my first day of school.

“Fifteen minutes.” Mrs Vee announces with giving the class so much as a glance.

Chapter Three (B) 1


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