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Alpha's Hated Mate novel Chapter 7

“Okay you won’t go anymore I won’t force you.”

“Ryan!” Arielle snaps.

He shoots her a look, “What?”

“She has to go to school.”

“She can learn from here. I won't force Milla if she doesn’t want to go, it’s best she stays here. I mean look at her, she’s shaking.” He says pointing out my current responses.

“So what? She shivers when she’s scared. Camilla is not a little kid anymore and you can’t bring yourself to deny her anything but I can. For her benefit, I will and so I say she has to go.” She demands.

“Ari please.” I sob, my voice comes out squeaky and broken.

“Just look at her My love, she’s crying even more! You know what, don’t worry princess you don’t have to go.” He assures me.

Arielle sighs, her gaze fixed on me, “Honey please wait outside.”


“Because I will pay you in kind.” She sounds like she is asking him a question yet she is telling him and he knows it so he turns away and closes the door. Arielle waits for his footsteps to die out before she begins to persuade me, but I don’t want to be persuaded. I hate it there.

“I don’t want to Arielle, please don’t make me.” I tell her wiping my tears away.

“Look baby, it’s high school you can’t quit because your hair looks bad or you’re not going to have a prom date not even if they bully you. Camilla people are like that they will hurt you because you’re better than them they feel threatened and besides…if you quit every time one thing goes wrong people will call you a coward and father won’t be proud is that what you want?”

Smart, bringing out the father card.

“No. I don’t want him to.” I sob.

“Well then will you go to school or quit? ”

“I will go back to school, Ari.”

“Good and you will show whoever bullied you you’re not scared, you will push back when you’re pushed and if they don’t leave you alone. I will handle them myself. Now come on, take a shower and I will take you for ice cream.” She says tickling me.


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