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Alpha's Hated Mate novel Chapter 6

Raquel snatches my book from me, maintaining eye contact. “And on top of it my best friend is angry. That’s not your fault but you’re going to pay for it.” And there goes my novel, she tosses it in the toilet. Brat. Tee would have fun with this one and so would the old Camilla.

“It is almost time for history, let’s just finish her here’s the razor, should we shave her head?” Her other friend beams.

“No!” I cry out, making them laugh even harder.

Is this amusing for them? Making me cry at their mercy just because they can.

Raquel’s hand collides with my face hard, harder than Mirabelle slapped her earlier and I cry out louder.

“Shut up!” She warns, bringing her finger to her lips and I nod, muffling my cries.

She too nods smiling. She tugs at my hair pulling it out of the bun it’s in. I feel my head consumed by heat followed by pain and I realize she hit my head on the wall.

Her friends are laughing, my ears are ringing, my vision is clouded by tears. I can hear her friend screaming at her as the other pours a bucket of water on my head. The next thing I hear is the sound of fabric ripping, my fabric, my skirt and they’re gone.

When the cleaning lady opens the bathroom door a few minutes later, I’m shivering and crying, cold to the bone in the corner of a highschool bathroom.

This is not how I wanted my first day to go, what did I do to Raquel? Why does this always happen to me? Why don’t people like me? They take one look st me and decide let’s not fuck with her she’s ugly annoying and must be bullied? Am I really that cursed that nobody wants me around them, my presence itself triggers anger in them.

The cleaning lady takes a look at me and then the entire bathroom. “My goodness you kids are always Messing up the bathroom like this.” She snaps, “Wait are you crying? Oh this is why I don’t have kid… err go to the teacher’s or the principal's office she’s the babysitter not me.” She says ushering me out.

I run out still drenched and in tears the tears are clouding my vision so much that I bump into a locker and I pause, I need my phone, I need Ryan but I can’t go back inside the class looking like this. My ears are still ringing from Raquel banging my head against the wall.

“Did she fall in the pool or ocean?” I hear a male voice say. It’s coming from straight ahead of me. I can’t see them through my blurred vision but I try to clear it to get a better look as they walk towards me and stop right in front of me and I lose all feeling in my legs as I fall to the ground.

I’m shivering not just because I’m drenched, the sound of my heart beating could be heard from a mile away. My teeth clutter involuntary, I want to scream but I seem to have lost my voice.

Standing in front of me are none other than Alpha Adrian and Beta Santiago. Alpha Adrian’s gaze is fixed on me as he takes calculated breaths. “Adrian why did you stop? Come on let’s go we’re already here.” Beta Santiago says looking between Alpha Adrian and I.

Alpha Adrian offers me his hand and when I take it, I feel a rush of electricity and adrenaline pump into me yet I feel weak, he must feel it too because he pulls away. “Fuck!” He curses.

It’s him.

It’s really him!

Alpha Adrian is the man from last week. I just came face to face with the devil and he is my mate.

No, he can’t be my mate. Now I am sure I’m cursed, what did I do to you Moon goddess why pair me with the Alpha? Of all men why him? I glance at him and his Beta as more tears stream down my face.

I shiver from the cold and also fear raging through me. They walk away from me and before they look back I make a run for it, I run to the principal's office, not bothering to knock when I enter.

“Miss Burton you can’t just barge in this is not a…” She halts when she takes a better look at the crying mess I am, “What happened to you?” Unable to speak I cry even more, she offers me a pitiful look, I hate that look but people have been giving it to me all my life, it’s pathetic, I loathe it.

She has her head and gestures to the seat, “Come on, take a seat over there I will call Alpha Ryan to pick you up. School isn’t done for another 1hour but this is an emergency.” She says picking up her phone.

“What happened, did someone do this to you?” She asks. I don’t speak, I nod wiping my tears. She lets out a sigh, “Bullying is unacceptable! I will take care of the perpetrators but please don’t tell your brother about this little incident.” She pleads.

I nod once again, wiping the tears. I’m not a snitch, especially not to Ryan, he would have her head and Raquel's for what she did to me.

“What are their names?” She sighs. I did nothing to Raquel and she did this to me. Imagine what she would do if I actually do something to her, she will kill me and I will let her because I made a vow. Wiping some tears I shrug, “I don’t know.” I lied.

Chapter Three (C) 1

Chapter Three (C) 2

Chapter Three (C) 3


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