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Alphas' Secret Mate novel Chapter 4


“You have to be the most un-fun person alive.”-

Roman didn’t even look up from the book he was reading to reply to me.

“Some people argue that we aren’t alive so that voids your theory.”

His voice was so bored as if babysitting me were the worst possible thing that could happen to him. Well, it was no cakewalk for me either. Not only was I still strapped to the damn bed, but I was slowly going insane.

The strangest thing had happened after the Queen of Doom left. Roman actually started looking good to me. Okay, moment of honesty. He always looked fucking fantastic because he was built like a badass motorcycle gang member and had the attitude to match. But I could withstand that, because of his shitty attitude.

No, it was something else, he not only looked like sex on a stick, but he was starting to smell like it. Shit, damn, and hell! What was I supposed to do when he smelled like dinner, and my stomach was growling?

To make matters worse every time my stomach betrayed me in that vocal way, Roman rolled his eyes. He is such a fucking teenage girl, and I told him that. I didn’t know anyone who rolled their eyes as much as Rachel until he came along. I wanted to see Rachel, Luke, or my parents, anyone but Roman.

But no, my jailer sat in his chair with his shirt off eating an apple and reading Tolstoy. Seriously? Who reads Eastern European Literature unless they are forced to in high school? I will tell you who, fun suckers like Roman.

“Can you sleep or something?” he grumbled, not looking at me.

I mocked the words, “Can’t you sleep or something? What do you think shit fluke? I am strapped to a bed wearing boxers that don’t belong to me. How do I even know they are clean? What if some dude's dick had just been in these and I have dick juice on me!”

This brought his head up.

“Those are clean boxers, and you would have been wearing the sweatpants if they didn’t keep falling off.”

“Whose are they?” I shouted; fairly certain they were his. “Because I have never had jizz next to my vagina and I…”

“Shut the fuck up!” he roared, flared red. “They are clean! They came from my drawer and be thankful my mother didn’t care if you were covered up or not. You are spoiled and obnoxious, and we should have staked you!”

“Spoiled?” I scoffed, “You are one to talk, Prince Roman! My flared still stings from that little tidbit.”

He scowled and moved closer to the bed. I couldn’t help that my pulse fluttered wildly, and my eyes dilated. I was itching for a fight, and it looked like I was finally going to get it.

“There is nothing wrong with your flared,” he said through gritted teeth.

I rolled my eyes in an exact replica of his previous rolling. “Really, because I am pretty sure you can’t feel my face. But maybe you can, being undead and all. Tell me, Princely Poo, how am I feeling?”

He shot out and covered my mouth with his large hand. His hard body pressing me into the mattress. And once again I found myself laying under a sex god. Only nobody was getting any action.

He smelled so good that I licked his hand preparing to bite it.

“Fuck!” he reared his head back, and I saw his own fangs had descended. “You are insane!”

I wasn’t about to let that go. I threw my head forward trying to headbutt him, but he was too fast. His hand was pressing my forehead into the bed before I could get any momentum going.

“Why can’t I just go home?” I shouted.

Chapter 4 1

Chapter 4 2

Chapter 4 3


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