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Alphas' Secret Mate novel Chapter 5


“What about cards? We could play UNO or Crazy Eights? Come on, Roman, I am bored!”

Roman eyed me warily, “The last time I unlocked your hands you tried to get your fangs in me.”

I didn’t blush, shit, everything he said was true.

“That was a long time ago! Before you brought in bag-o-blood, I feel better now.”

I gave him a brilliant smile that probably had too many teeth in it. He had been acting strange ever since I woke up and told him about my crazy dream. I thought it was hilarious, but he acted horrified. I don’t know why he was so affronted; I tried to tell him that everyone does it, and it was just a dream.

But Roman threatened to leave me by myself if I mentioned it again.

“Do you swear that you will behave yourself?”

I was fairly bouncing up and down on the bed. Or at least, as well as I could being strapped in like a mental patient.

“I swear it!” My toothy grin was back, “I will be so good. You will be blown away by how well behaved I can be.”

Roman hesitated for a few seconds and then went over to the door. He unlocked it and asked one of the simps to get Luke.

“It will be better if there are two of us,” he grumbled as Luke came into the room with a bright smile.

“You are looking better!” He replied grinning. “So, what’s the plan?”

Roman grumbled something, but I wasn’t paying attention.

“Roman said we could play a game,” I blurted out. You would think that it was Christmas or my birthday with how excited I was.

Luke raised a brow, “What kind of game involves the two of you needing me?”

Roman shot him a glare, and I blinked before bursting out in laughter.

“You can’t tease him about sex stuff, Luke. Roman gets way too serious. I don’t know if he could even handle the thought of ménage.”

Was I teasing?


But I was just so happy that they were going to do something with me. I was on day three or maybe one hundred; I didn’t know for sure. Roman said that for every Lycan the change is different. He also said that there is an element of physical reaction that takes place when you drink from someone else.

It was his polite way of saying that my dry humping him to orgasm was natural. And honestly, I was grateful for the knowledge because it kind of weirded me out.

“I have no problem with ménage!” the words shot out of Roman’s mouth reminding me that I had just set him up nicely.

Luke was doubled over laughing, “Good to know.”

I smiled sweetly up at Roman, “It’s so fun we can learn these things about one another.”

“You are a menace,” he gritted out.

“You are going to break your teeth, or grind them down to bits,” I said in my best hygienist tone. “Have you thought about a night guard?”

Roman gaped at me, “I don’t know if you are serious and have lost your fucking mind, or if you are deliberately trying to piss me off. Which would be foolish seeing as how you were the one that wanted to play cards.”

I was immediately contrite. He unlocked one wrist and then the other and I breathed a sigh of relief. I tried not to focus too much about his scent and how it affected me when he leaned over my body. That was just normal hormones I told myself.

Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2


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