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Alphas' Secret Mate novel Chapter 6


There are several things I have learned about my new status as Lycan. First, all of my senses are dramatically stronger. I can smell someone’s blood pounding in their veins. Did you know that fear and annoyance had a smell? I didn’t, but now I am learning that many things have a scent that I wasn’t aware of.

My sight has improved, and for a girl that should have worn contacts but rarely did, it’s amazing the little details that I had been missing. My hearing is super sensitive. I can hear three rooms over if someone is whispering. There are good things and bad things about this, but we will get into that more in a little while.

Taste, oh flappity fuck tarts, I can taste need and want on my tongue. The bagged blood is tasting worse and worse. It is almost unpalatable. But that brings us to the next one touch. There is a reason that Lycan aren’t virgins.

When they touch a human or each other, it causes an aphrodisiac-like outcome. I understand the concept, trust me. Every time Roman even brushes against me I am straining at the cuffs to attack him. No more cards, no more games, just waiting—and hoping that someone doesn’t stake me before this shit is over with.

To make matters worse, Roman has taken it upon himself to educate me in our glorious and illustrious history. It is beyond boring, and I am pretty sure the only reason he is going over this crap to keep me from licking him every chance I get.

Yeah, it’s that bad.

And that is why during the middle of 17th century Eastern Europe Monarchy I interrupted him with this statement.

“If I just have sex with someone, will all of this go away?”

His mouth dropped open, “Excuse me?”

“You know if I scratched the itch would I still be a danger to everyone? I know you think I am going to drain someone still. But I think I have passed that. But this whole angsty need that is causing me to attack you. Maybe if I just did something about it, things would get better.”

His eyes darkened, and his voice dropped an octave, “Are you asking me to have sex with you?”

I flushed, “Not you! Just someone, anyone really.”

This wasn’t the right response to give Roman. He drew his impressive shoulders up and loomed over me but was sadly just out of reach.

“Your virginity is something special, Anna. You don’t just give it to anyone. Once your change is fully complete, you won’t be so prone to drain people or want to fuck them every second. You just need a better grasp on your new abilities.”

I rolled my eyes, very much aware that I stole the habit from him.

“Look, I had the talk just like everyone else did. I am not proposing unprotected sex or even an orgy.”

At this, he choked, but I plowed on.

“I just am sick of being in this room. Luke hasn’t come back since I bit him the other day. And you, well, you are just…”

I trailed off not sure how to finish that sentence. What was Roman? Annoying, Pompous, Rude, Conceited, Self-Important, Sexy as Hell…

Wait a minute, how did that slip in there?

“I am what?” he asked stonily.

“You are cranky,” I finished with a defiant look. “What is it going to take? And when are you going to explain to me about the simps and what happens with them? Why am I still on bagged blood?”

Roman blew out a breath, and just looked at me for a long moment.

“You think you can handle the truth?”

I nodded, “Yes.”

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2

Chapter 6 3


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