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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 83

"Mom, I really wish I could go back to the past." Violette mumbled, "Even if life was tougher then, I wouldn't mind."

"Violette, no matter what's going on, running away isn't the answer," Albina said, sitting beside her, "If your dad's company can't hang on, let it go bankrupt. There's always another chance to make money, but you can't put your education on hold."

Violette looked at her mom, gently touching the wrinkles on her face, "Mom, I'm not running away, I'm just a bit tired."

"If you're tired, rest up. Have you had dinner?"

Violette shook her head.

"I'll go make something," Albina said, getting up to head to the kitchen.

8 PM.

Violette went back to her room to rest. After cleaning up the kitchen, Albina took out the trash.

To her surprise, it was raining outside. Though it wasn't pouring, it was persistent. Albina couldn't bother to go back upstairs for an umbrella, so she braved the rain.

After quickly dumping the trash, she turned around and noticed a figure standing in the doorway. She hadn't noticed him when she'd first come out.

She hurried back to the entrance and gave the figure a second look.

Upon recognizing him, she was in shock.

His handsome face was wet from the rain, his usual arrogant demeanor washed away by the downpour.

"Elijah?!" Albina exclaimed in surprise, "What are you doing here? Why are you standing out in the rain?"

Albina grabbed his arm, trying to pull him inside.

But he shook her off, "I'm not going inside."

Violette warned him last time he was here not to come back.

If he went inside, she'd be even angrier.


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