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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 84

"I empathize with his situation, but who empathizes with me?" Violette placed the soup on the stove and made her way towards her room. "Mom, he has never shown me any respect, not even for a single day."

Albina: "There's a huge gap between you two, it's understandable if he's a bit snooty towards you. Don't just focus on his past, you should see the changes in him now..."

Violette raised her eyebrows, puzzled: "Why are you always taking his side? Do you think he'll change and agree to let me have our two kids?"

Albina fell silent.

"Even a tiger, fierce as it is, doesn't eat its own cubs. If he doesn't want the kids, there must be a reason." After a moment, Albina said, "I think the fact that he swallowed his pride to come here and apologize means he does care about you, at least a little."

Violette covered her ears: "Mom, I'm going to bed. My head hurts."

Seeing her resistance, Albina didn't say more.

Albina left the room, planning to go downstairs to persuade Elijah to leave.

After she left, Violette let out a long breath...

Her head was hurting so bad, it was hard to think straight.

Just thinking about his name, his face, felt like something was choking her.

About twenty minutes later, Albina came back from downstairs.

She entered the room, saw Violette's sleeping face, and sighed.

Elijah was still downstairs.

No matter what Albina said, he wouldn't leave.

She was considering letting her daughter convince him to leave, but since she was asleep, it's best to let her rest.

As for Elijah... all she could do now was pray for the rain to stop.

But the rain continued all night. And in the second half of the night, it increased, turning into a downpour.

Albina was awakened by the rain in the middle of the night, she wanted to go downstairs to check, but she was afraid of seeing something she didn't want to see, so she forced herself to stay in bed.


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