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Best Revenge: Being My Ex-Boyfriend’s Aunt novel Chapter 2916

“You should’ve told me earlier… I could’ve lost that thing of mine long ago and needn’t wait until this day.” Child-like happiness was all over Chester’s handsome face.

Charity was speechless.

She had no words upon seeing his nonchalant attitude.

Did he think his manhood was a strand of hair that could easily be unwanted?

It would be a lifetime of humiliation for men.

On the other hand, Chester was eager to lose it.

“I was unaware that you don’t care about it that much,” Charity said deliberately. “You switched women as if they were clothes in the past. Who knew you would become such a devoted lover after turning over a new leaf?”

Chester could hear the sarcasm in her words. However, he no longer cared about it. “If we didn’t break up because of misunderstandings when we were young, I wouldn’t have stooped so low or harbored so much hatred toward women.”

Charity was unconvinced. “If you had sufficient trust in me, there wouldn’t have been misunderstandings.”

“Charity, put yourself in my shoes. If someone forged my handwriting and wrote a diary, do you think you wouldn’t have misunderstood?” Chester countered. “I understand that the incident is a thing of the past, and there’s no need to pursue it anymore. Nevertheless, I just want you to know that I can’t stay calm about some things because I care about you. Even if I’m older than you by several years, I have insecurities too.”

“Maybe you’re right.”

Charity sighed. It would be better to let bygones be bygones.

Chester was satisfied. “Charity, you should go back and rest. Aunt Larissa is having her surgery tomorrow, and Cal can’t leave you. Having Ken by my side is enough.”


Charity knew how to set priorities. She still had many things to attend to. Taking care of herself was of utmost importance.

Although she agreed to be with Chester again, she would not place him at the top of her priorities as before after going through so much.


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