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Billionaire ’s Unforgettable First Love novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 She Lost

Edison Yates turned his face and met Nancy Shandy's gaze. She looked at him with anticipation.

"Eddie, let's play."

Edison Yates wasn't very interested. "What game?"

Nancy Shandy waved the tissue in her hand, . "This one."

"Who wants to starts?"

Nancy Shandy looked at the positions of the people. She was sitting between Edison Yates and John Hawe, and on the other side of John Hawe was Issac Linberton.

"Of course, it starts with you."

Edison Yates knew what Nancy Shandy was up to. He found the game quite boring, but he didn't mind playing along.


He took a tissue and stood up, moving to the other side of Gwenyth Lovelace. He pushed Gwenyth Lovelace towards Nancy Shandy, sat down, and put the tissue in his mouth.

He smiled with peach blossom eyes facing Gwenyth Lovelace.

"How do we play?"

Gwenyth Lovelace was at a loss.

Edison Yates had the tissue in his mouth and couldn't speak.

John Hawe answered her question, "Take the tissue from his mouth with your mouth and pass it on to the next person."

Gwenyth Lovelace glanced at the already darkened face of Nancy Shandy beside her and suddenly felt embarrassed.

She leaned in towards Edison Yates, pressed her face against his, and took the tissue from his mouth.

She bit one small corner, tilted her head slightly, and the tissue was pulled down little by little. It was smaller than her little finger's nail and stuck to her lower lip.

She turned to face Nancy Shandy.

The woman's face turned even darker.

She didn't expect Edison Yates to suddenly change positions, leaving Gwenyth Lovelace stuck between them. Now she had no choice but to take the tissue from Gwenyth Lovelace's mouth...

It was so small, how could she take it?

Gwenyth Lovelace must have intentionally tried to embarrass her.

Edison Yates removed the remaining tissues and looked at Gwenyth Lovelace with interest. The tissue on her lips could not be touched unless he kissed her.

Nancy Shandy's expression made him feel amused, he held back his laughter, but John Hawe couldn't help it. He laughed and gave Gwenyth Lovelace a thumbs up. "Impressive."

"I don't want to play anymore."

Nan Song picked up the glass in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

"I'll punish myself with a drink."

Gwenyth Lovelace breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't like this kind of game and quickly took the tissue off her lips.

"Miss Lovelace you're so good at the game. I concede to you. Here, let me toast you a drink." Nancy Shandy suddenly raised a glass of wine to Gwenyth Lovelace. "Since Eddie can't drink, you're drinking for him today."

Edison Yates didn't say a word.

Gwenyth Lovelace had no choice but to take the glass.

She drank a glass, and Nancy Shandy put a whole jug in front of her, then brought out a deck of cards.

"Since Miss Lovelace is so good at games, shall we continue?"

"I don't know how to play."

"How about we play baccarat? Whoever is closest to 9 wins."

"Miss Shandy, Mr. Linberton is the main focus today."

"I want to play with you. Regardless of who wins or loses, we can each make one request of the other, and the loser must agree unconditionally. How about it?"

Initially, Gwenyth Lovelace had no interest in continuing this boring game, but Nancy Shandy's words made her slightly intrigued.

If she could win, she could ask Nancy Shandy to stop targeting her, and Nancy Shandy would have to agree.

"Okay, let's do it."

Nancy Shandy grabbed the deck and shuffled the cards thoroughly, dealing 2 cards each to both Gwenyth Lovelace and herself.

The both showed their hands.

Her hand had a total number of 7, while Nancy Shandy's hand had a total number of 9, which was the best possible result.

"You lost."


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