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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 308

A hint of surprise flickered in Frederick's eyes. He'd never heard his mother talk about the second-hand car before. But he didn't dwell on it, simply saying, "It's just a used car, we can get a new one in a few days."

After all, his old car in the garage was due for a replacement. Might as well replace his mom's car too.

Jocelyn, however, was insistent, "I've always been sentimental about old things. I'm not accustomed to those fancy cars. Besides, when I bought the car, I used my real information. If you don't help me retrieve it, I won't feel at ease."

The car was a minor issue, but the leak of personal information was a serious concern.

It seemed this matter indeed required some serious investigation.

Meanwhile, at Royal Elite Kindergarten.

During nap time, all the children were dutifully preparing their beds for rest.

As the leader of the pack, Teresa commanded respect among her peers in the kindergarten. She had a gaggle of followers.

Of course, she didn't need to busy herself with tasks like bed-making.

At this moment, she sat high on a windowsill, her back against the glass. Her little legs swung in the air, her chubby arms cradling a large cup of milkshake, which she sipped noisily.

Just then, Sammie swaggered into the room. He was Teresa's desk-mate and also the deputy leader of their "Vine Whip Alliance".

He walked straight towards Teresa, raising his square little face to whisper in her ear, "Boss, there's a new kid in our class who's really cool. Wanna check him out?"

At this, Teresa's round eyes immediately lit up.

A new cool kid? Then he must be recruited into her "Vine Whip Alliance"!

Teresa jumped off the windowsill, clapping her hands, "Where is he?"

"In the administration building! The guidance counselor's office!"


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