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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 625

Hayes was just about to ask Teresa about something, but as he turned to face her, he was met with her heavy eyelids fighting a losing battle with sleep. A wave of genuine concern washed over him, making him forget his own confusion.

"Hey, you..." he gently patted Teresa's shoulder, his young face wrinkling in worry, "when did you last get some sleep?"

Sleep? Despite Teresa's tender years, she was a certified workaholic through and through!

Without making a dent in her workload, she'd be restless, her mind churning with unfinished business. And that meant that even when she hit the sack, she wouldn't catch a wink of sleep.

So, she simply chose not to sleep at all!

But she didn't want Hayes to fret, so she thumped her chest and promised, "Little Mute, I'm going to bed right after this! Don't you worry about me, you should head off to bed too!"

As she spoke, Teresa swiftly nudged Hayes towards his room.

Before he left, he couldn't help but remind her, "Get some rest early, don't stay up late!"

Teresa gave a firm nod, her small face serious, "Trust me, Little Mute, I will! Goodnight!"

Though she talked a good game, putting words into action was another matter entirely.

Without skipping a beat, the little girl darted back to her room, quickly swapped out the photo of Maurice for one of Frederick, slapped her cheeks to stay alert, and dove back into her sketches on the drawing board, foregoing sleep once again.

She worked tirelessly into the wee hours until, overcome by sleepiness, she collapsed onto the floor, drifting off without realizing it.

She was out like a light, all the way through till the next morning's breakfast time, without stirring once.

By then, Sadie had already whipped up a hearty breakfast, setting a full spread on the table.

Hayes waited in the dining room, but there was no sign of Teresa coming down the stairs. Recalling the late-night working Teresa, he started to get antsy.

She wouldn't have pulled an all-nighter, would she?

Hayes turned to Jocelyn, who was dishing up some porridge for him, and said in a soft tone,


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