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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 626

Hayes stared at Teresa with fiery eyes, his voice stubborn as an old oak tree,

"This isn't just some trinket... the man in this photograph, he's my daddy!"

Teresa, who had been fighting to keep her eyes open, was suddenly wide awake, all traces of sleepiness chased away by Hayes' confrontation.

She racked her brain for an excuse, but after pulling an all-nighter, her thoughts weren't as nimble as usual.

After a long pause, she explained, "I... I was just so worn out from work yesterday, I started doodling on your daddy's photo."

Hayes' gaze was piercing as he questioned, "Really?"

Teresa nodded vehemently, "Yes, absolutely!"

Hayes' little face puffed up with annoyance.

Teresa was definitely keeping secrets from him! She definitely was hiding something!

A plan hatched in Hayes' mind, and he extended his arms, laying out his terms,

"Show me daddy's photo... and I'll believe you!"

Teresa was inwardly panicked; she didn't want to hand over Frederick's photo to Hayes, afraid he'd spot a flaw. But if she refused, wouldn't that just scream guilty conscience?

Oh well! It was time to take a risk and place her bets.

Reluctantly, Teresa handed over the photograph to Hayes, "Here you go."

Hayes gleefully reclaimed his father's photo, then pointed at the scattered pieces on the floor, baiting Teresa step by step,

"Are these... the results of your work last night?"

Teresa, weighed down by fatigue and not thinking clearly, defended earnestly,

"Yeah! I sketched out my own daddy and mommy's features, planning to piece them together! But I haven't finished yet."

She emphasized "my own daddy" to reinforce her lie, hoping to convince Hayes.


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