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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 629

Meanwhile, at the Regal Haven Hotel.

Marguerite woke up to find that Frederick had vanished without a trace. The room was as pristine as when she had arrived, but the sandwich left on the living room table, along with an ashtray brimming with cigarette butts, reminded her that last night was no dream. Next to the sandwich was a post-it note with two brief, impactful lines:

[Got a meeting. Eat before you go.]

The handwriting was flamboyant, yet forceful. It was so like Frederick—carefree and rebellious, yet possessing the power to command.

Suddenly, Marguerite was thoroughly puzzled by Frederick's actions. Last night had been their first time. Yet, at a pivotal moment, he had pulled away because of something she said. But why the refusal, the departure, and then why leave breakfast and a note? Even though it was just a short eight words, devoid of any emotion, Marguerite could feel his care. Men like Frederick seemed as elusive as the wind—impossible to grasp, shrouded in mystery.

She shook her head, quickly ate the sandwich, and carefully preserved the note, tucking it into her wallet. After checking out, she stepped out of the hotel, about to hail a cab, when a yellow McLaren boldly parked right before her eyes. She recognized that car, but before she could collect her thoughts, Maurice stepped out from the driver's seat. No, to be precise, today Maurice looked like the Steven she knew three years ago when he was still a doctor.

His skin was as white as snow, his black silk shirt unbuttoned at the top to reveal a hint of his sexy collarbone. The rimless silver glasses added an enigmatic charm to his narrow eyes, and his lips were more luscious than any woman's. The term "bewitchingly beautiful" flashed through Marguerite's mind.

Many times, Marguerite had pondered. Frederick and Maurice were brothers, yet why were their appearances so starkly different? Frederick's handsomeness was laden with raw masculinity, instantly striking, with a natural aura of dominance and aggression. Maurice, on the other hand, was the opposite; his allure was in his seductive gestures, without a hint of effeminacy. His charm held no aggression, but one could not help but feel a chill upon getting too close. If Frederick was a majestic lion, powerful and deadly, then Maurice was the cunning king of serpents. Each had their own distinct characteristics, but there was no doubt that both were sovereigns in their own right, difficult to compare in terms of rank.

However, over the past three years, age and growing power had gradually cloaked Maurice's serpent-like traits. Taking over the Winston Group, his corporate leader's presence in suit and tie had begun to draw nearer to that of Frederick. So when Maurice appeared today in a different garb, driving a sports car he hadn't touched in three years, Marguerite couldn't help but be a bit surprised. Yet, the cold aura that Maurice exuded still made Marguerite shiver involuntarily.

Before she could speak, he took the initiative:


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