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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 639

Hackett was livid, his eyes bulging as he barked, "If it's not her fault, then it must be yours, right? We struck a deal with your factory, and now there's been a mishap on your watch. You'll be footing the bill for all the damages, understand?"

"Mr. Fitzgerald... I'm at a loss here too! A fire breaking out in such extreme weather is unheard of for me as well. Maybe hold your horses a bit? Wait till the fire department puts out the flames and investigates. Let them pinpoint whether it was spontaneous or foul play before you start pointing fingers..."

Yuna felt a twinge of guilt when she heard Zack mention investigating the cause of the fire.

"Why investigate? What's there to look into? If a fire couldn't start in this weather, then obviously it's been set deliberately! I'll bet my bottom dollar it was Marguerite who lit the match!"

Marguerite was baffled. "???"

She knew it; Yuna wouldn't waste a chance to throw her under the bus! That woman would love nothing more than to pin every last bit of blame on Marguerite! As the head honcho of the project, Marguerite knew she had to suck it up and accept her bad luck with the factory fire. But that didn't mean she was about to take it lying down and let the gossip-mongers sling mud her way without a fight.

She locked eyes with Yuna, her gaze fierce as she posed a soul-searching question: "I poured my heart and soul into developing these products. Why on earth would I want to torch my own masterpiece?"

"Who knows? Maybe it was your oversight that sparked the blaze?" Yuna was full of twisted logic, ready to counter any claim of innocence with a slew of what she considered irrefutable reasons. Then, turning to Hackett and Penelope, she put on her best righteous hero act:

"Dad, Mom, why on earth is someone as negligent as Marguerite in charge of such a critical project? I'll be the first to admit I'm no Marguerite when it comes to skills, and I wasn't involved in this project. But everyone knows that this quarter, the new product development was the main event! And now it's all been ruined by Marguerite! How are we supposed to explain this to our investors, our customers, and the press? Who's going to cover these losses? Marguerite should be demoted, that's what!"

Marguerite felt like crying without tears. "Why are you so sure that this fire has anything to do with me? I checked everything at least three times before I left!"

"Just because you were the last one out!"

In that moment, Marguerite was rendered speechless by Yuna's accusation. Indeed, after she had left, the factory had been engulfed in flames. They had every right to suspect her. But the worst part was, she couldn't find a shred of evidence to prove her innocence.

"Struck a nerve, have I? Cat got your tongue, Marguerite? Just come clean! This fire started because of you, and you're going to take full responsibility!"

A smug smirk spread across Yuna's face. Her triumph, however, was short-lived. A voice, cool and brooding, cut through the tension like a tidal wave:

"The last one to leave wasn't her. It was me!"


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