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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 675

Fred's gaze cut through the air like a knife, landing squarely on Chuck, who visibly shuddered at the impact. Though Fred hadn't uttered a single word, that look alone was laden with a threat, making Chuck realize he'd once again spoken out of turn in Mr. Winston's eyes.

But he hadn't been wrong! The company's sudden interest in working with Poppy Petal Fragrances was obviously for Marguerite's sake. Who else could it be for?

Upon hearing Chuck's insinuation, Marguerite couldn't help but beam with pride. With nothing much to do, she grew bolder and pointed at the screen, asking about the wafer-shaped object displayed.

"What's this now?"

Her inquiry clearly disrupted Fred's workflow, much to his chagrin. He had caught her sneaking glances at him, though he tried to focus his attention elsewhere. Yet, she easily managed to throw him off his rhythm. Still, he patiently explained, "It's a groundbreaking technology developed by Veracoria's top hackers. Once implanted into the human brain, the wafer can significantly alter one's life path."

"How so?" Marguerite's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"For starters, it could modify certain memories. In more advanced cases, it could unlock a person's potential in specific areas."

Marguerite gasped, "That sounds terrifying! Wouldn't that turn someone into a robot?"

To her surprise, Fred chuckled at her comment. He looked at her, amusement dancing in his eyes. Her cheeks flushed with an eager thirst for knowledge.

Catching Chuck's eye, Fred commanded, "Explain it to her."

Chuck stepped forward, dutifully following his boss's order, "Marguerite, it's not as scary as you think. The wafer doesn't control people or harm the body. It's often used in the medical field, for instance, to help those with severe depression by erasing traumatic memories and aiding in their treatment."

Marguerite tried to grasp the concept. "How is that different from ECT treatments?"


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