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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 676

This winter felt endlessly long, as if the universe itself was throwing a tantrum, painting Stonebridge City white with snow for three straight days.

Once the snow ceased, word came from the local police that Penelope's case was being temporarily treated as a missing person's case. No sign of her, yet a funeral was still a must.

On the first day of the wake, the funeral home was bustling, drawing almost the entire elite of Stonebridge City. Marguerite scanned the crowd but couldn't spot Hackett. Miley, guiding Marguerite through the throng, whispered, "Hackett's in denial about his mother's passing, refusing to have a funeral. But Robert, he's more grounded, ready to move on. He's the one who arranged all this; Hackett didn't show."

After putting a black armband on Marguerite, Yuna appeared out of nowhere, fury written all over her face. "Marguerite! What right do you have to be here? Black armbands are for family only. Who do you think you are? Get lost!"

Yuna reached for Marguerite's armband, but Robert, who was welcoming guests, quickly intervened, scolding Yuna in a hushed tone, "Must you make a scene in front of mom?"

Robert looked worn, his usually clean-shaven face now sporting a stubble, his voice hoarse and lifeless. Yuna, fuming, insisted, "The black armband is for family!"

"And you're fighting over a piece of cloth? Marguerite is practically mom's goddaughter, she's no threat to your inheritance," Robert retorted coldly, baffling Marguerite.

"If you don't want everyone to know what you've been up to since mom passed, maybe light a candle for her in peace."

Yuna, effectively threatened, stormed off after shooting Marguerite a venomous look. Robert then turned to Marguerite, his tone softening, "You alright?"

Marguerite nodded.

"I might not be able to look after you with all these guests. Don't take it to heart."

"It's okay, go do what you need to."

As Robert left, Marguerite turned to Miley, confused, "What was Robert talking about?"

Miley, clearly agitated, vented, "Don't get me started! The police just marked my mother-in-law as missing yesterday, and Yuna started stirring trouble at home last night, hinting at splitting the inheritance, driving Robert mad! Can you believe it? Before we even find her body, Yuna's only thinking about the inheritance! And what's worse? Hackett is actually siding with Yuna, suggesting... 'Maybe Penelope would've wanted Yuna to have extra security, why not give her Poppy Petal Fragrances?' Can you believe that? Handing Poppy Petal Fragrances over to Yuna is like waiting for bankruptcy!"

Marguerite couldn't believe the turn of events in the Fitzgerald family, once a picture of harmony and happiness, now squabbling over inheritance. But then again, it wasn't entirely surprising with Yuna stirring the pot. Marguerite felt for Penelope, truly.

"No wonder she looks different today."

"Exactly! After hearing she'd get a hefty inheritance, Yuna had her forehead plumped up with fillers this morning. Looks like a doughy bun, for heaven's sake!"

Marguerite didn't join in on Miley's rant. Penelope's crystal casket was displayed in the center of the wake hall, but her heart wasn't there for ridicule. Approaching the casket, Marguerite saw it didn't contain Penelope's body but her favorite dress and scarf, surrounded by beautiful flowers. And Marguerite's heart ached, piece by piece.


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