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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 677

The somber notes of a requiem filled the room as Marguerite knelt before Penelope's framed photograph, slowly burning one memorial card after another.

Marguerite felt a deep ache inside, yet she shed no tears, a slight smile even playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Penelope, no, godmother. This is the first time I've ever called you that, and it's a shame you can't hear it. I'm somewhat at peace with you being gone. Three years ago, my grandma passed away. She was always so handy; I bet she's already got a cozy place set up for you over there. They say we part to meet again. If in this lifetime I couldn't call you 'godmother,' perhaps it's God's will that I be your daughter in the next.

I haven't shed tears or made a scene, but the pain in my heart is real. My biggest regret is that I never got to give you a proper hug, dress up in matching outfits, and hit the malls together for a day of shopping. Godmother, if you can hear me, visit me in my dreams tonight, so I can see you once more. I miss you, truly I do..."

As the last memorial card turned to ashes, Marguerite's eyes grew moist. She took a deep breath, still holding back her tears. She didn't want to cry before Penelope's photograph, nor did she want to worry her spirit in heaven.

Stepping out of the funeral home, snowflakes began to drift from the sky. The snow fell softly, gently. For a moment, Marguerite felt an illusion, as if Penelope had transformed into the snowflakes, embracing her with open arms. Tender yet unrestrained. Perhaps, godmother really heard her words.

A sense of comfort filled Marguerite's heart. She composed herself and then joined Miley to greet the guests. Just then, Violet called. There was a document that needed Marguerite's signature. Unable to leave, Marguerite had Violet come to the funeral home.

Rushing over, Violet not only brought the document but also slipped some vitamins into Marguerite's hand. "Marguerite, you've been running around non-stop for weeks. You must look after your health."

Marguerite was touched by Violet's thoughtfulness. After signing, she shook the vitamins in her hand: "I'll take them in a bit. Skipped breakfast in the hurry this morning; can't take these on an empty stomach. You better head back to the office, I've got things to do."

As Marguerite was about to leave, Violet, seeing the crowd of guests, eagerly offered her help: "Marguerite, let me stay and help. The documents can wait till the afternoon."

Violet was always proactive, and Marguerite let her stay. Handing back the vitamins, she said, "Alright, then remind me to take these later, don't forget."

With that, Marguerite returned to her duties, and Violet quickly got busy helping along with the Fitzgerald family. The morning went by in a blur of activity.

Meanwhile, Yuna, hiding in a corner, her eyes red with malice, watched Marguerite. Robert's threat over Marguerite played back in her mind! And there was Marguerite, acting as if she belonged with the Fitzgerald family, greeting guests as though she were the hostess herself!

Enraged and unsettled, Yuna couldn't stand to see Marguerite at ease! No! She couldn't let Marguerite get away with it so easily! She had to expose Marguerite as the cause of Penelope's death! It was Marguerite who had called Penelope, leading to the tragic accident!

She wanted Marguerite to be despised by everyone, only then would her twisted heart find balance and satisfaction! Determined, Yuna started towards Marguerite.

But suddenly, a woman emerged from the funeral home, stopping Yuna dead in her tracks. The woman's white dress was stained with blood, her neck scarf soaked red to the point where its original color was indiscernible. Drenched from head to toe, her hair even had sharp, ugly icicles hanging from it! It couldn't be, Penelope! Dressed as she was the day of the accident, she was walking towards them from the funeral home!


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