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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 710

Marguerite stood there, speechless.

Daphne had gone to great lengths to dig into her past, showering her with compliments. Perhaps, Marguerite thought, a simple 'thank you' was in order. But Daphne had one thing wrong. Marguerite wasn't the beacon of charm she made her out to be.

Frederick's feelings for her had cooled off long ago, and Maurice's desire to marry her was nothing more than a man's possessiveness rearing its ugly head. Was there any real love in any of this?

"You really don't have to see me as your arch-enemy. I've told you before, I have zero feelings for Maurice!"

Daphne burst into laughter, leaning back as if Marguerite had just told the funniest joke. "So, what you're saying is, all of this is just Maurice being delusional? You don't even have to lift a finger, and he's ready to fall at your feet, just like that? Marguerite, are you mocking me because I can't keep my man?"

Marguerite sighed inwardly. How did Daphne even get there? Talking to her was like navigating a minefield. Not only was she hypersensitive and suspicious, but she also had a talent for twisting words beyond recognition.

Marguerite felt exasperated. "I've given you what you wanted. Now, take your kid and leave Maurice alone. If you don't, you can't blame me for what happens next!"

With those harsh words, Daphne stormed off, her heels clicking against the ground as she made her way back to her car. She then slowly drove up next to Marguerite, her voice laced with a challenge. "Tell Frederick that he can forget about getting his hands on the wafer technology. It's not over yet."

Marguerite couldn't help but stare at Daphne's perfectly made-up face as she replied with a smug smile, "We'll see about that. Just remember, Daphne, don't let your own cleverness be your downfall. Every woman reaches her prime, and when it's over, the last laugh might not be yours."

Daphne always had this confident smile, certain of her victory, much like Maurice. But Marguerite couldn't fathom what was so amusing.

In a moment of distraction, Daphne floored the pedal, and her convertible sped away, leaving Marguerite in a cloud of exhaust.

Coughing from the fumes and realizing the sky was darkening, Marguerite found herself in a desolate suburb with not a car in sight.


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