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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 725

Penelope's words hit Marguerite like a ton of bricks, leaving her stunned and struggling to grasp reality.

"Penelope...what...what did you say?" Marguerite stammered in disbelief.

The room was suddenly abuzz, as everyone crowded around to hear more.

Hackett was particularly distraught, unable to comprehend why Penelope would say such a thing! After all, the paternity test he had taken with Yuna clearly showed that she was indeed his daughter! What in the world was going on?

"Marguerite, I called you in such a hurry that day because I needed to tell you this. I accidentally overheard a conversation between Yuna and Zoe, and I learned that the child the Lockwoods took from the hospital was you all along!"

Penelope said, gripping Marguerite's shoulders tightly, her voice quivering with emotion, "Marguerite, do you understand what I'm saying? You are my daughter! You were never alone, never without family. You have me, and you have your brother! We are your family, the ones who love you most!"

Marguerite was overwhelmed, her mind buzzing with confusion and shock, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

"Are you...really my mother?"

"Yes, my child! I am! You are my dear daughter, the one I've been searching for these last twenty-five years! You've been through so much, my dear."


Calling her 'mom' felt so heavy, so significant, it took Marguerite a while to muster the courage to say it out loud.

Chapter 725 1

Chapter 725 2


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