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Bride To The Island Wolf novel Chapter 7


Chidi and Nana dressed the men's wounds and went to the kitchen to cook. They had not gotten over Avril's death as they thought she had drowned. Freddie had tried to console them even when he was visibly upset and frustrated.

They were sober and hardly said anything. But they were thankful that Freddie did not treat them illy the way he had done before Avril came.

After cooking, they set the table and called on Freddie and the men, then they left to eat the remnants.

The two men were still very scared. Freddie appeared cool and calm outside but they knew who he truly was inside. He was a monster, a murderer who has no conscience.

“come on, sit. The food might get cold” Freddie said to them as they approached the table.

They looked at each other again and gave nervous expressions. Freddie saw it and he chuckled but decided to ignore.

“there's fried chicken, muffins, cheese and crackers.. And good wine. Come on, dig in” he stated and began to eat himself.

They sat down and began to eat too. They hadn't eaten in days and were famished. Even with the pain in their mouth and arms, they still rushed and consumed the whole food within minutes. Freddie didn't eat much, he just watched them.

“thank you boss” one of them said. He just nodded and looked away

“have you... Did you... forgive us?” the man asked

“not yet” Freddie replied and their countenance fell. They looked at each other and had one thought; he had poisoned the food.

“I didn't poison it” Freddie spoke out, as if he had read their minds

“but I might do that someday if you fail to do as I say” he added and looked back at them.

“what is it, boss? We will do anything to pay for what we've done” they pleaded

“I lost five million dollars because of you two. So you will have to replace it”

“replace it?” they both asked at the same time

“you heard me right. I'm expecting two girls from you. Both should be worth five million dollars or more. And by that, you know what I mean” he stated with a raised brow.

Of course they knew what that meant. They are to get him exceptionally beautiful girls who would be bought at such a price or even more. They were still new at the job, how on earth were they going to get them?

“boss... We'll do it. You just have to give us time to–”

“–time?” he butt in

“yes boss. We need time to be able to get such beautiful girls you want” one of the men spoke up. Freddie stared at them for a few seconds and burst into hysteric laughter. They gulped down and he suddenly grabbed one's collar.

Come See My Home 1

Come See My Home 2

Come See My Home 3


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