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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 22

Aiden didn't let me speak after his heart dropping statement.

Well, I froze when I heard it. It's not like I'm not expecting it to happen but damn, the thought of it makes my wolf purred and rolling inside my head. She liked what he said and I'm the one left with wild thoughts.

Oh damn. How can I focus on the ceremony tonight? All I could think of is his lips on mine, his hands on my body, and his damn! His huge dick will be inside me!

I gulped hard. Will that even fit?

"Hey. Are you nervous?" it was Ava who asked. We're at the pack building right now. Aiden was in his office with Nick, talking about something. Ava, Seth, and I stood in the hallway where we can see the Hall below. Filled with hundreds of wolf, waiting to meet me. Waiting to meet their Luna.

"A bit. I didn't imagine that many of a crowd." I chuckled as my eyes looked down. The prime pack has over 500 wolves and right now most of them are here for the ceremony.

Seth walked closer to us and stopped beside Ava, pulling her close to him.

"That's not all of us. The guards are at the borders, guarding their post."

"I figured. Too bad they'll miss the party later."

He shrugged and looked down as well. "Pack comes first. They have shifted schedules though. They won't miss the whole of it."

Aiden's office opened and Nick stepped out of it, followed by Aiden. They are mumbling something to each other before heading our way.

My eyes fixed at him when it met his. I felt the hairs on my nape raise from his gaze. His eyes are always drowning me when it looked at mine. It's like there is an invisible thread pulling us that we can't avoid.

I inhaled his scent once he reached beside me as his hands automatically found it's place on my back.

Nick snorted that diverted my attention from Aiden to him. Seth chuckled and I figured he said something to Nick, maybe through their minds.

"One of these days, I'll end my friendship with you both." he rolled his eyes that made Seth laughed hard and Aiden chuckled softly.

Nick is the only one who hasn't found his mate and he probably feels out of place when with us four.

"Start now. I bet your mate is still a pup. Long way to go, Nick!" Seth teased and laughed hard again when Nick threw his middle finger up in the air.

"Or none at all." Aiden laughed too when Nick's finger turned to him.

"Can we just go? It's time to start." Nick rolled his eyes again, changing the subject. Ava is giggling and I chucked every time because of his expression. He is like a child. Like the first time I met him.

"Are you ready?" Aiden turned to me and looked me in the eyes. I smiled and looked below to see my audience for later. My eyes softened when I thought that they all came here for meeting their Luna. I felt happy with the thought.

"I am now." I said as I looked at him. His eyes softened and pulled me close to his chest.

'I love you.' he said in my mind and I smiled wide.

"Oh, God. I'll go first. I can't stand couples." Nick said was walking away from us. That's when I noticed that Seth and Ava are kissing beside us. I laughed.

We decided to follow Nick. My heart is thumping loud as we get down and all eyes are on us.

'Hey. What if someone in the crowd is mateless?' I looked back at Seth when I reached his mind.

'You're too slow to think of that just now. I took care of it. I sent them to guard the borders.'

'Why didn't you tell me?'

'I forgot?' he chuckled that made Ava asked him why. He told her he thought about something and I rolled my eyes. 'Oh, don't stay too long for the afterparty. That's when they'll shift posts. Just tell Aiden you're tired or something.'

'Thank you. I'll handle that.'

That is one of the reasons that I wanted to tell Aiden about it tonight. I believe there won't be a commotion since from what Titus said, a mateless wolf with a pack is not dangerous. I'm sure they still have control over their wolf though the chance of them telling Aiden about it is high so it's better that Seth made his move fast.

There's a little stage in front of the crowd and Aiden kissed my temple as he walked towards it. Diverting the attention of his people to him. Ready to hear what he has to say.

I can feel his intimidating power surging around the Hall. Everyone went silent and looked up at him as he stands there. There's no microphones or anything since everyone can hear him clear with inhuman senses.

"Good evening, everyone." His standing proud and he looked good in my eyes. My wolf didn't stop cheering and feeling proud of our mate. He looked so dashing and handsome up there and I immediately felt he belonged there. He is fit for his title.

"The past days are hard for everyone with the loss of our wolves. Rogue attacks are frequent these days and the last we had was the day before but everyone needs not to worry about any harm to come. We already settled the case, doubling the guards at every border and fighters doing rounds day and night." His speech started with the pack's current issue. I believe most of his pack are worried and needed to their Alpha's assurance.

His speech went on about important matters and I heard him say that the pups will start their training as well.

"Tonight is not just about that. As all of you may already know, I had found my mate." The silent crowd uproared and cheered from his news. I watched Aiden's face and I saw how he felt confident with the pack's reaction. He smiled at them and held his one hand up to stop the crowd.

"Today, I'll give our pack a gift from the Moon Goddess herself. I introduce my mate and the new Luna of the Prime!"

Everyone howled their joy and cheered for me. Aiden extended his hand to me and I held it right as I walked up next to him. Overwhelming joy wrapped my chest as I stand next to Aiden in front of his pack.

The crowd stopped cheering and howling as they focus their eyes on me. I figured they are waiting for my words and all of their eyes are glistening with delight.

"Hello, everyone. I am Ashira from the Regal pack. I'm overwhelmed with everyone's warm welcome and I promise not to disappoint your expectations. I vow to do my best as your Luna, pledging my loyalty with the Prime pack and to your Alpha as long as I lived. That is all and Merry Christmas, everyone!"

The crowd cheered again and howls of appreciation and acceptance filled the Hall. I smiled wide at everyone and turned my head to Aiden who's already looking at me. His eyes are shining with happiness and satisfaction. He snaked his arms on my waist before giving me a deep long kiss in front of his people.

The crowd cheered more loudly and I heard some shouting comments about me.

"Yiu're so beautiful, Luna Ashira!"

"Long live Alpha Aiden!"

"Long live Luna Ashira!"

My ears are filled with love and affection from my new pack. Aiden pulled away and smiled at me before turning his head to the pack, his hands never left my waist.

"Everyone." Ohh! How I love his voice when he's surging his authority and power. It makes my wolf proud. "Enjoy the rest of the evening but don't get wasted."

Everyone cheered even more as the loud music enveloped the Hall, making the night lively as it already is.

The party is starting.

Aiden made me face him and pressed his forehead on mine.

"You did well."

I embraced my arms on his neck and smiled wide. "I love you."

His eyes glinted as it looked at mine as he heard the words. He groaned and crossed the distance between our lips. Kissing me again but this time, I can feel his thirst for more than just a kiss. His hand gripped hard on my waist like it's itching to grab somewhere else.

Just when I felt my arousal presided, he pulled away and leaving my lips half-open. I remembered that he doesn't like anyone smell my arousal which I almost have and that made me bit my lip. He groaned again and I heard longing on it.

He wanted more just like I do.

"The pictures I'm having in my head right now are way harder to control than the rest." He said in between his growls. His wolf must be feeling the excitement that he was trying to suppress.

I can only imagine what kind of images plays in his mind right now. I blushed thinking what possible imaginations he's having right now in his head.

Instead of embarrassing myself with the ideas he's giving me, I decided to smiled seductively at him that made one of his brows rose.

"Control yourself for now. Because I promise that you won't need that later." I said in a low, seductive voice that made him growl softly.

His hand on my waist tightened as he pulled my body close to his more than it already is.

"Remember those words, mate. Because once I let go of my restraint, I won't stop even if you beg."

I almost moaned when he pushed his pelvis to me, making me feel how hard he is in his pants. I closed my eyes and try to halt the arousal from taking me again.

He chuckled at my reaction and blood quickly went up to my cheeks. He placed a kiss on my temple with a smile on his face.

Nick called us for dinner and that made us walk down the small stage we've been flirting in.

There are tables anywhere and one long table was placed in front where we will be seated.

Aiden is in the middle and I was seated on his left while Nick was on his right. On my left is where Seth is and beside him is Ava. There's only one chair beside Nick which I think is for his mate that's yet to come.

Our table is for the high ranks as it should be. Even though Ava has no position in the pack, she is still Seth's mate which will always make a place for her beside him.

The table beside us has five chairs which are the council's table.

We started eating and I almost drooled with how the foods looked delicious. I haven't eaten since this morning.

Everywhere has wolves dancing, eating, and drinking. It looks so lively and I loved how Aiden stopped the ancient way of helping traditions. The last event I had here which was the mapping ball is also modernized. My old pack hugs the traditional way of healing ceremonies like this. It always bore me when I'm attending it so Lucy and I always leave early. But in Aiden's pack, it's spirited and energetic.

After eating, some are walking towards our table and greeting me with respect ad their eyes glisten with delightedness.

I'm sure that Aiden is a good leader for everyone to treat me this way. It only means that they are pleased that their Alpha's bloodline will resume because he had found me. His pack's Luna and his mate.

"Luna." A guy around Aiden's age bowed in front of me. He has light brown hair and a pale complexion.

I smiled at him and looked at Aiden when he snaked his arms around me again. Possessive. I halt myself from rolling my eyes.

I can't believe him. He just introduces me to his pack yet he's still possessive over me just because there's a pretty guy in front of me. Can't he see that the only handsome man I ever saw was him?


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