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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 23

Aiden's POV

I opened the door just when Nick's car stopped abruptly in front of my house. I growled as my irritation has risen but try to see reason. I clearly told him I'm off with my duties tonight, delegating everything to him. And him interrupting right now must mean something or else I'll break his neck next.

I asked for this one night and not even an hour after I gave my instructions and here he is. Rushing out of his car and almost tripped as he run closer to me.

"Be sure this is important, Beta." I growled as I warned him. He is huffing as he breath that made him look exhausted though he ride a car. How can he be this tired after riding a damn car?!

I heard the shower upstairs and figured my Ashira was preparing herself. The image of her naked body inside my bathroom gave me the urge to slam the door to Nick's face and gallop upstairs, to where she is.

But Nick worries me, halting my urges to knock him down and that made me growl again. I swear I'll kill Nick if he came for nothing.

"You shouldn't complete the mating yet, Aiden!" he exclaimed with a low voice, looking around to make sure no one heard him before catching his breath again.

My eyes squinted as my lips parted with disbelief. What the fuck did he just say? I was disturbed by him to hear this? And what right does he have to stop me from claiming my mate?


"Wait! Let me talk!" he cut me just when I was ready to burst. My lips went flat as I crossed my arms in my chest. "Titus came to me after you left. I forgot we need to meet with-"

I growled that made him stop talking. What nonsense is he spouting! And why am I listening to this while my mate is cold upstairs without my embrace?

"I don't care about him! We'll talk about this tomorrow." I held the door frame and about to close the door but he stopped it with his hand.

This time, I snarled at him. "What the fuck is your problem!?"

"He said Ashira is a stealer." he huffed.

I did not absorbed his words fast but when I did, I looked at him with disbelief. Confusion and anger started creating up my spine. My eyes squinted as I looked at him, trying to hear his joke next but none was heard. He nodded at me like he's trying to persuade me from believing.

"I know it sounds crazy but keep your dick in your pants for now and listen."

'Kill your beta. I knew my mate is mine.' my wolf is not taking the information easily. He is walking back and forth inside my head as he growl every step. I can feel his anger but not to our mate. Only to Nick's news. I can't trust my wolf.

All he think of his swaying dick everytime he sees Ashira.

But I felt outraged by it. She'll tell me if she is what Nick said she is, right? Unless she is lying to me?

If she's a stealer then there's a chance that she's tricking my wolf. And me.

I growled inwardly with the thought. My wolf is trying to stop me from thinking odd with our mate but no, I dont succumb to anyone without a fight. I can't ignore the possibilities. And I won't let this go easily. I need to know she's my true mate or else I'll be blinded by the bond.

I won't be tricked and be laughed at by other packs like what happened to Zeuracious.

I'm the Alpha of the strongest pack in the North and our pack has lined second as the strongest pack in the continent. There's no way I'll think of anything else than my pack's honor.

I growled with the thought. Because damn, I already prioritize Ashira more than my pack.

"We don't know anything yet. But I suspect Titus is right. He lost his mate and he have the capability to recognize a stealer. He even told me Seth knew about this."

"Seth? My Gamma, Seth?"

My body trembles and I'm on my edge of losing it. I know I shouldn't decide hastily. I should talk to Ashira first. But hearing all of this now, it seems to connect.

"I don't know if it's true. Seth left the Hall with his mate after you left and I hadn't had the chance to talk to him about this. But what's bothering me is how he handled the guards at the border."

I'm barely with Nick as he talk. My mind is clouded by anger and confusion. I'm also starting to feel the betrayal added with my rage.

Every fucking thing connects with Nick's reports.

Seth volunteered to handle managing the guard's shift for tonight. And of course I let him, not suspicious at all because he have the right to be in-charge with that. Yet the outcome is what Nick and I talked in my office today.

He looked at me like we think the same thought. I hissed and run my hands on my head. Damn it. Damn it.

"He assigned most of the mate less male wolf in the border tonight. Dubious, right?"

It all connects and my suspicion just grew worst. I have a dreadful idea running in my head right now.

My mate is a stealer and my third-in-command is trying to cover for her!

"Aiden," Nick looked at me, his voice is trying to snap me out of my rabid thoughts. "Its better to talk with Ash. We're not sure if its true yet. Seth wouldn't hide such important thing to you without a reason, you know that."

I closed my eyes tight, not letting his words in my head. All I think right now is how I hate to be lied to, to be betrayed.

And if my mate is a fucking stealer, then it'll only make everything worse.

"Ask her first, Aiden."

I no longer hold my control. All I want is to be furious, to know the truth, to ask her but I doubt I can in the nicest way. I'm feeling the opposite. Right now, I feel like I wanted to kill somebody.

'She's our mate! Listen to me!'

I growled loud, ignoring my wolf and rushed upstairs.

"Don't do anything yiu'll regret!" he said but my steps are fast, ignoring his words.


Nick yelled my name, stopping me but I won't. I demand the truth and I'll have it by hook or by crook.

Nick's POV

Everything happened so fast. I can't believe what I heard from Titus but I can't let it go without telling Aiden.

I sighed nervously of what he will do next but I hope Ash is not a stealer. And I pray to Moon Goddess that if she is, don't let Aiden hurt her.

Aiden was furious and he looked as if he's ready to draw blood when I told him. It's not impossible that Titus is right.

Ashira's our pack's Luna now. He's not insane to make things up, no one wants to mess with Aiden's head, to the extent of involving his mate.

I knew what Aiden will do when he told me I'll take it for tonight. He'll take her full by completing the mating process and that's okay IF Ashira is not a stealer.

Because if she is one, and if she is tricking Aiden, then the mating will complicate things between the mate bond.

If she is a stealer and she's tricking us into believing she is the mate of Aiden, then Aiden's wolf will be blinded by her. Making it impossible for Aiden to let her go in the future.

If she is his true mate then nothing will be complicated.

I was walking back and forth, nervous of what will Aiden do. He rushed upstairs and I can't hear anything because his room has resistance for wolf senses. I can't hear them, or feel them, or even mind link Ashi or Aiden.

I wanted to rush upstairs and barge in the room but I can't. Aiden is still my Alpha and his superiority is too great to be fought by his own Beta. It's nature call, and I cant bend his rules even if I wanted to.

But Im worried with Ashira. And that's all I can do now. To worry for her.

However, I prayed and believed that Aiden wont do anything to her. No, its impossible that he will hurt her. What if she really is his mate? He'll go nuts if he ever lose control and end her own mate's life.

Though everything is an IF. And that's what make this hard. Because we have no precise knowledge about Ash.

I tried reaching Seth but he can't be reached through our mind link. I bet he's freeing the wolf inside his pants right now, blocking anyone in his mind unconsciously. His phone is ringing but he's not answering my calls and that frustrates the hell out of me.

I'd like to get some answers from him. He's been with Ashi since we attended to the mourning families and that include Titus. He's been with her when they symphatized for his loss.

Now that I think about it, both Seth and Ashi were alone with Titus that time.

Another IF flashed my mind. If Ashira was really a stealer then how did they convince Titus to keep it from us?

I can't give myself any answers like this. I'll call Seth's phone until his ears burst from the rings than to burst my own head from thinking.

Seth's POV

"Your phone is ringing again..." Ava said in a soft voice. I groaned from irritation as I held my head up from devouring her neck. What does Nick wanted?

He's been trying to go through my mind for a while now and I've been blocking him because I am having my time with my mate.

Hell, he needed a mate. How can he miss me so fast when we're together a while ago? He's like a fucked up ex-girlfriend!

Ava pushed me, I was mounted above her, ready to experience another mind blowing pleasure yet she thinks of my ringing phone.


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