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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 34

Ashira's POV

"You're crazy, Luce." I shook my head in disbelief. What has gotten into her? Escaping a mate, and an Alpha at that is simply not possible.

"I'll be more crazy being with Jacob, Ashi! Please!"

I never saw Lucy like this... broken. Or lost. I can hardly tell. Her eyes has puffed just from the bits of tears and I can say she's been crying a lot to have such sensitive eyes.

I'm not sure if I must help her but a part of me pity her. I don't want to see her like this. Never.

"How do you plan this exactly? I'm not agreeing with your idea but I'm curious how you'll pull this off." I said, calmly. Im trying to digest the situation. Avoiding to decide hastily or this could be worse. But it can be better, too. Oh, god. This will sure explode my head.

"Youre not agreeing yet."her voice is full of hope. "You won't do much, Ash. All I ask is someone to cover for me. Even Harley won't back me up." she whined and kicked her feet in the air. She looks so devastated, frustrated.

"Harley?" I asked, trying to keep up with the conversation.

"His Gamma!"

"Oh. No wonder he don't support the idea, Luce. It's crazy. I won't favor it either." I commented. It's true. I'm not trying to favor her. Her mate is an Alpha and I won't stand a chance with him. If he is Aiden, then I might but Jacob looks tough and hard to kid around.

She rolled his eyes to me then looked at me again with those hopeful pair.of eyes. Sigh. Lucy is being Lucy again. No one can break her thoughts, let alone her decisions.

"Come on, Ash. This is the first time I've ever set my foot outside his land, hell, outside his house! I can't stay with him! I needed space between us."

"That space will also torture you, Luce. One way or the other, you'll suffer. And he will find you."

"I know that but at least he'll suffer, too! Please Ashi! I have no one in his pack and now I have you here. You're my only hope."

Her face is red. I can tell that her frustration is up on the ledge, yet I can't decide. But I want to. But again, what may happen to her?

'I can hear you, guys.'

I jumped when I heard Seth inside my had. Shit. I forgot that we're on a normal room. I didn't expect that we'll be talking about something private like this. What if someone else is out there?

'Is anybody outside right now?'

'Nah. Everyone went to the pack building. Harley even. Both of you are under my custody until lunch.'

'That's good. Please keep this between us.' And I hope Seth still trust me enough to keep a secret again with me.

"Ash! Come on! I hope you're thinking of backing me up with that silence." Luce interjected when I'm on a long pause. Heck. This is sheer pressure.

'Always. But please don't consider helping your friend.'

I sighed when Seth answer me. Though his opinion is, once again, opposite of what I am thinking. Or what my mind is entertaining.

I looked at Luce. She's not looking at me and stares at the blank canvass on the wall. She's waiting for me to speak, letting me decide. She is trying to pursue me but she still let me choose.

"I'm thinking but I'm not sure with your idea. You might face consequences for this, and you'll get me in trouble."

"Who cares? You love trouble. Please, Ashiii!"

Ugh. I did lived like nothing matters but ever since I'm placed in my stealer-situation, it's hard to say that I'm still the same rule-breaking, rebellious and all fun girl.

After what I encountered, all those problems and pain, I can't love the trouble back because trouble seems too attached to me now.

"Plus, I assure you that this plan is smooth and you won't be in danger. Promise." she added.

I frowned. What the hell is her plan?

"What is it, exactly?"

"Okay. So I need to be with you. Alone. And-" her eyes are all excited to share what she got in mind.

"I can't be alone. Aiden won't let me be alone. Seth always comes with me."

"Who's Seth?" she fired back.

"Aiden's third-in-command."

She rolled her eyes.

"Ugh. Gamma's are untrustworthy, Ash. We need to be alone. Just the two of us." Okay. I think Harley did ruin every Gamma ideals for her.

"Seth's nothing like your Harley. Believe me. And like I said, it's impossible to be alone."

She paused for a second. I'm sure she's trying to think of some ways to redirect the plan and shove Seth away from it but when she frowned, I knew she got none.

Well, give it to Luce. She loves her ideas. She loves planning. But she never sets an after plan. No plan B, C or so forth.

"Well, do you think we can talk with this Seth?" she asks and I smiled at her and nodded.

'No way I'll agree.' Seth hardly differed.

I sighed. I'll deal with him later because I can't talk to the both of them, whining, and at the same time.

"We can talk to him. But he have his own head, Luce, he'll decide for himself." I said.

"Ugh! This is frustrating! This is not how I imagined myself once I found him!"

Her face was sad, angered but the tears that flow in her eyes told me how blue she is.

Never have I ever saw Luce like this. Between the two of us, I'm the lifeless one and she's all lively and joy. I'm the mind and she's the body. We're a perfect match of friends. There's no loophole when we're together. She's strong physically and I'm weak. She's deciding things hastily while I love to plan and organize things.

Though I kinda become like her around Aiden. Just letting the fate flow after unplanned decisions.

Maybe this is what the mate bond does. It messes up our system.

"Okay, let's hear the plan." I said. Seriously willing to consider her plan.

She sniffs and sat straight. She cleared her throat and waved her hands like fan over her face.

"Well, if there's no way we can be alone, I guess we could try talking with your protector. Though he needed to agree."

"And? What if Seth agree? What's your plan?"

"If he agrees, then we need to lie with our mates. Something like we'll bond tonight or girl's night out, that sorts."

"That sounds easy. Where's the tough part?"

She smirks. "Thats the thing. There will be no tough parts. Once they let us go, you'll escort me at the border, and poof! I'll be far away before that jerk found out."

I snorted. She's always so easy-going. It's not like she can get out of what hell she was trying to escape and feel no difficulties. That's too ideal and unreal.

"That's crazy. They will ask us where you are." I pointed out one flaw.

"And who said you knew?" she immediately responds. For a while, I'm convinced that she thought well about this. "That's where I need you as a cover. You'll say I had taken off when you're at the bathroom or you thought I was at the bathroom. Then I'm gone." she even clapped her hands in the air, producing a popping sound. "He won't blame you at all. Jacob knew from the first place that I want out with our bond. He knew I'm itching to run away from the first place. Why do you think he can't let me off his eyes? It's not because he love me, silly. It's because I might run away and our bond will burden his duties."

I felt like a needle just poked on my chest. Bleeding me inside. I feel pained from her words. It's as if she mirrored every ache that she suffers.

How could Jacob do that? Aiden plays push and pull with me but at the end of the day, he always make me feel flustered and even with no clear words, I knew how he feels. I sense it. And I believed it.

"You can just reject him, Luce." I suggested instead. "What if harm comes your way once you wander?"

Please, let her see through the light!

"I'm doing this because my wolf is being stubborn and her knees always turn Jell-O whenever that jerk touches me! And you need not to worry about my safety, Ash, I can protect myself. You know that."

I sighed. I'm left with words to console her or make her think another way but I'll still try since I'll help her still in the end.

"I know you're strong, a great fighter, but it's dangerous out there, Luce. Where will you go? If you went back to Regal, he'll find you still."

"I'm not going back there. Mom will freak out and might send me back herself. I have somewhere to go and I can't leak that information to you or else they'll grip you tight for it. It's better that you don't know where I'll go next."

I decided not to speak. I'm out of reasonings anyway. And I'll help her either way. But I guess it's worth trying.

"Well? Are you in?" she asked, impatient of my silence.

I sighed. Is there really no way to straighten her head?

"I'm not sure." I bit my lip and study her face. He expression turned a shade darker on insisting on it. And I know she won't be moved by my words.

"Come on. You know how I am. This is not what I dreamt of, Ash. If I don't hate Jacob, I won't do this."

I knew that about her. I perfectly knew that. She's been looking forward to finding her mate and I can't imagine how her world fell when she faced this nightmare.

'Ash. It's a big 'NO' for me.'

I sighed hard from Seth's opposition. Of course he would. But Luce is my friend. I'm an outsider from my previous pack and she stayed beside me throughout.

'She needs me. I need to help her, Seth.'

'No, no, Aiden will kill me.'

'Not him, Jacob will. But we won't be blamed here. Plus, I think that guy is a jerk.'

I got no response from Seth's end so I figured that he's trying to think about this as hard as I did.

"Fine. I'll talk to Seth." I said to Luce and her eyes grew wide and I saw it beamed just like the first time she saw me today.

She's pure joy. Grateful and happy.

"You in? Oh my God!" she squeezed and I laughed from her weird noise.

"I am. But! Make sure you won't be in danger. Whatever is with you and Jacob, I'm trying to save you from it. So if this will bring you harm-"

"I won't! I won't! I promise!" she jumped herself on me and tightly hugged me, making me yelp a bit. "Oh, Ash! Thank you! I will never forget this! You're such a lifesaver!"

"That's exaggerated." I laughed. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?

"I am. I know. Always." She tighten her hug and let go of me so I would be welcome by her glinting eyes. Heck, how can I take back my words if she's this happy?

"Come! Led me to your kitchen. We'll cook those beasts some food."


Having a friend is like having a matchsticks. You need it, you can use it, but it can also set you on fire. Fire of different ways.

And I believe, I'm in the fire of unsettlement right now. I kept shifting on my seat. Its getting late and the guys will be here anytime soon. Then we will begin our short stage play and that makes me fucking nervous.

We're done cooking, well, Luce mostly did the job but I helped her out so yeah, we're done cooking and settled ourselves as we talked to Seth.

"That won't happen. Nah-uh." he shook his finger and looked at us like we have three heads in each shoulder.

"Come on, Gamma. Follow your Luna's command." Luce teased with a grin and I sighed from how she keeps mocking him.

"The name is Seth, Luna. And your Gamma won't back you up so what made you think I will?" Seth fired back. He is definitely irritated with Lucy and that's given, she had that power to annoy anybody.

Luce turned to me. Her grin is still there and her eyes shines so bright, not feared of Seth disagreeing to us.

"He got a temper. You sure he's not the Alpha?" she laughs and I almost did, too. I just shook my head and Seth snorted that earned my glance on his way.

"Well, talk to him. I need to peak on the dessert." Luce said, excusing herself as she run back to the kitchen.

"Ash, tell me you're not considering her plan." Seth said, hissing.

I pursed my lips and looked away. Afraid to meet his gaze because I know I'll disappoint him again this time.. "Well..."

"Damn it." he murmured under his breath. "Aiden won't agree. He won't let you out of this house." I frowned from his words. Then he whispered: "At least not yet. Come on. Does your friend even know that you're-"

I moved fast and my hands slapped on his mouth before he could finish his words. My eyes are wide and I can't believe he almost slipped that part.


He jerked my hand away from his face and looked at me with once again, disbelief.

"You could be in trouble! What are you even thinking? Where did you two plan to go, huh?" he whispers.

"I... The Tavern." Okay. Suddenly, my answer made no sense. Why did I agree to go to a pub? And why am I only realizing it now?

"No! That's a foul idea. It's always crowded with wolf and who knows! Someone might had lost their mate and drowning himself in alcohol over there!"

Shit. I can't believe I forgot myself through this process of helping Luce on saving herself from her mate. How could I be careless to forgot about my own dilemma?

Seth sighed when he saw my flustered look. He shook his head and leaned back.

"If you want me in, take a different route. I don't care what harm your friend wants for herself, Ash. My sole role is to protect you and keep you away from harm." he said.

I swallowed the lump built on my throat and I knew Seth is right. I completely agrees with him.

"She won't be in danger, puppy!" Lucy shouted from the kitchen.

I hissed. I hope she didn't focus her hearing to us throughout the conversation.

"Eavesdropping is bad, Luna!" Seth shouted back, still irritated.

Roar of laughter from Lucy came from the kitchen. Seth looks at me and shook his head then sighed.

Oh, God. Can you please help me glue my friend's mouth for now?


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