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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 34


"Oh, God! I can't believe he took the bait!"

Luce didn't stop laughing and smiling like crazy as we walk to Aiden's spot. Or should I say, our spot.

Going back to this place sends a lot of memories on my head. This is where we first make up without hurting each other with words or actions. This is where I felt how deep I'm drowning into him.

"He seemed serious about you though." I said carefully. Lucy snorted and looked away like she hated what I just said.

"Don't be deceived. He can play well and smooth with this game. I never win with him but now." then she looked at me, her eyes are sad but she managed to beam and grin.

"God! I missed you!" then she jumped on me and hugged me right like her eyes are not sad seconds before.

"Ugh. Can't breathe."

She laughed hard. "Oh my, there's a river?" she asked, the water currents are now obvious in the air, the sound is loud enough to cut her laughter and looked at me with widening eyes, mesmerized and already looking forward to the spot.

"Yup. And it's too bad, we'll miss skinny dipping."

There's a falls back to the Regal pack. It's not private like Aiden's spot and wolves come and go there but Luce and I always find ourselves alone there at midnight. We would drink, eat, and swim as the moon kissed our skin. I miss all that.

"Wht said we'll miss it? We'll swim first before I go!"

My eyes widened but I just laughed from her insanity. Damn this girl.

She circled her arms on my neck and we both laugh, only interrupted by Seth's snorting sound.

"Got a problem, pup?" Luce snapped to him, grinning. I bet Seth's constantly irritated whenever she calls him 'pup'. And surely, my friend is deeply enjoying her time.

"Oh, no. It's just that I'm a guy and trapped with two besties talking about skinny dipping like I won't be there as well."

"Oh! You can watch us, we won't mind!" she teased. Of course, I do mind! But I know she's teasing him. Hell, I don't believe we'll swim on the river like she said. I bet she's itching to escape Jacob's claws that she's not thinking of playing around.

"And face Aiden's wrath? No fucking way." then Seth grins at me.

We reached the clearing and had an eyeful of the best night scenery right before our eyes. I can picture it on a daylight, with all those greens and blue water. Damn. I'll ask Aiden to be with me here on daytime.

"This is beautiful." Lucy murmurs, her eyes were all fascinated with the view and I couldn't agree more. This exact place made me love Aiden's pack. Well, our pack. This part of the land is so serene, peaceful. It's like my heart was wrapped on a warm hand and I'm sure Luce felt the same.

"And that's the reason that this is Aiden's spot." I grinned at her, proud of the nature's gift in front of us.

She poked my rib and her lips formed a playful smile. I instantly flushed. I knew her too well. Enough to think that her mind is clouded by every green thought about me and Aiden right this instant.

"He shared it to you! Huh! I wonder what naughty stuff you did in here-"

"Oh, shut up!" I burst out laughing and smack her on her arms.

She laughed hard. "Your virgin act won't work now, silly! I can smell him all over you, you'll be slap if you deny it!"

I laughed even more. "I won't deny anything! Drop the subject, can you?"

We settled on a fine grass and hugged each other as we sat. Seth didn't join as and kept his pace, already on guard.

"I envy you, in a way." she softly murmurs. I glanced at Seth who's standing a few meters away from us and I knew he can hear our talk. "I wish for him to take me, claim me fully, every single time. And he would just torture me."

Torture? I was silenced as I study her words. Was Jacob kept cheating on her?

"Torture how exactly?" I decided to ask than to burst my head with questions.

She smiled at me and looked away. The moonlight shone on her eyes and I'm sure I saw sadness in it.

"Pleasure deprivation." she whispers like Seth won't hear it at all. But I knew he will. Luce won't look at me and I know she's ashamed.

My eyes grew wide and I can't understand what it meant at first. Only to be slapped by the thought I never imagined for her to experience.

Even though I had a clue inside my head, I decided to speak.

"I'm not following..."

She laughed. "What a virgin despite being not." she laughed but I'm too curious that I can't laugh back. "You can ask your man to do it, makes you come with his everything but that. I promise, you'll be hell-bent." then she winks at me.

I flushed upon realizing what she meant. Jacob was... Damn it. I can't even tolerate Aiden's teasing. His effects on me is so strong because of the bond and it kills me that I want him. Always.

And Luciann is what? She's reaching her edge without having her mate whole. That's fucking depressing!

"Hey, pup! Come over here." she yelled to Seth that distracts me from my thoughts. I heard Seth sighed and shook his head but walked closer to us with lazy steps.

"What?" he asked and slumped himself on the ground beside me.

"How far is the border from here?" She asked. Emotions.

"North border. Though guards are tough there so I suggest you run east." I can imagine how he wanted to get rid of Luce fast.

"Guards won't be a problem. I'll go North."

"You're crazy." Seth shook his head then he snapped his head to the back, standing at the process.

"What is it?" I looked past my shoulder, trying to sense what he's sensing. I'm starting to doubt my senses. It seems I'm a slowpoke when it comes to awareness but with Aiden, my wolf is on high.

"Oh, no." Luce stood up as well. Her face is a knot and I saw annoyance and irritation in it.

"What? What's happening?"

I'm on my feet next and I'm not sure what is it that their sensing.

"I guess you failed tonight." Seth whispered and from then, I knew someone is coming.

And I'm right. I can sense him. I can feel Aiden's presence but my sense of smell and hearing failed to operate somehow. I can only smell him but I'm sure that he is not alone. The reaction of Luce and Seth answered me that.

"They can't be here! I needed to escape tonight!" Lucy is hysterical but her voice is low, preventing the words to reach someone's ears. When she turned to me, her eyes are almost pleading. "Ash..." she pleaded.

I'm sure Aiden is not alone but I'm not sure what got into me because the next thing I do, I turned to Seth and gave him a command.

"Meet them halfway. Tell them we're skinny dipping." I whispered.

"What? Then what? You'll continue this-"

"Yes, fucking yes. We'll run North as you distract them."

"Aiden will-"

"I'll be back. I promise. Just play along. I'll make it seem like I run after her. Please... Just go before they come nearer."


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