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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 38

Ashira's POV

I'm staring far to nothing with a knotted forehead. My attention for Seth who's doing some 'playful' back and forth steps beside me was lesser than my thoughts.

"I don't get it, why can't I go with them?" I seemed like a child throwing tantrums but Seth didn't respond. "Hey!" He still ignored me. "Can you please halt your steps?" He didn't. "Seth!"

I grabbed on his elbow to stop him from walking. I'm sure my nose was flaring right now because I'm starting to be fuming mad from my thoughts and Seth's unconcerned behavior.

Seth was not bothered at all!

The last thing I'd like to feel was this. To be frustrated and confuse. A lot of questions kept lingering inside my head and I'm dying that I'm a mile away from gaining a solution. Or more like, what I wanted to have.

"Ash, both of us can't go, okay?" He said, stomping his feet as he talks. "I was born to watch over you. To be at your side, you know that."

I huffed.

"And you're okay with that? Come on! We can't just sit here and wait for them to come back. I'll be dead curious!" My voice slightly squealed from preventing me to scream aloud. Though I knew Aiden won't hear me. He was with Nick at his office right now.

Seth sighed and slumped on a chair nearby. Leaning in so he could whisper his words.

"Why are you even bugging me? Just go straight to Aiden and tell him you want to be dragged along." Seth irritably scoffed.

"You think I haven't tried that?"

I did! All I got was a hard 'No' and an Alpha's growl! Ugh. It's so hard to break Aiden's decision that I wished to rather please him in bed because I bet that would be easier!

Damn it! Aiden and Nick will be meeting Zeke later tonight. Since Zeke didn't tell what time he'd like to meet, Nick suggested being at the same place at the same time they first met him. It an almost midnight time.

And I can't fucking go.

There are only a few hours ls left yet I still haven't convinced Aiden to let me leave with them. And I need to be there! I wanted to know more, to ask about Zeke's mother, to meet her!

"What made you think he'll favor me if he hadn't to you, Ash? Just drop it."

I feel the back of my ears burned because I'm so frustrated right now and Seth was not helping at all! I slumped on a couch next to Seth and crossed my arms above my heaving chest.

No, I cannot drop this.

"I'll sneak around, then. I wanted to ask Zeke a lot of things and I want to be there!"

Seth tilt his head with a hiss and massaged the side of his temple. "Ash," he said, sounding annoyed. "Why are you so after the trouble?"

"I'm not, Gamma! If only Aiden tag me along then I won't think of-"

'Yeah, mate. Why are you so after the trouble?'

Said a baritone voice inside my link portal.

It's Aiden!

I jumped from my seat and gasped when I heard Aiden's voice inside my head. The way he said 'mate' sounds like the tip of his tongue touches the bitterness he's probably feeling.

Oh, shit. Did he finished talking with Nick at his office?!

"What is it?" Seth curiously eyed me as my eyes stayed wide from the shock.

Fucking hell.

I grabbed a handful of my hair and then close my eyes. "Aiden," I whispered and pointed at my head. "He heard us."

Seth formed his lips a perfect 'O' which matched his eyes as well.

"Now you're far from getting any." He said then laughed which earned a flying throw pillow from me. How can this guy laugh at my situation? And fuck him for being right.

Now, the chances and options I have are gone.

I heard heavy thumps on the floor and my eyes screwed a hard shut.

Oh, no, no, no!

"Ooohh! He's coming. I'm out of here." In just a blink, Seth's presence was faint as he was gone.

I bet Seth used his inhumane speed because he was gone before I could speak a word. Coward!

It didn't take a while when Aiden's huge figure popped out on the entrance of the living room where I was nervously seated.

He looked around, avoiding my eyes, as he fixes something on his wristwatch. Again, he's avoiding my eyes. Intentionally.

One thing I learned about him, if he won't look me in the eyes after being away, even for a few minutes, he's mad!

My heart keeps beating loud and fast. I took a couple of gulps when his steps started to direct right at me.

Oh, God. I never thought any man could look good while adjusting a fucking wrist watch as he does right now!

What a fucking demi-god.

He stopped walking right when he's a meter away from me. My heart keeps beating loud, even louder. Aiden scratched his nape before meeting my eyes as he sighs, licking his lower lip after. Shit falling from heaven, that made my heart flutter even more.

The way his eyes seems emotionless and mad made my knees weak.

Am I in trouble? Because right now, it feels like it!

"You'll sneak on me?" he asked in a very stern and low voice. My system started working on an alibi but I can't think of any. The damn heartbeat doesn't help, too! His tone screams of irritation and disbelief.

Probably on what I said!

I gulped.


"You'll defy me?" he cut my words and started walking towards me. My body moved on its own and leaned on the seat, my eyes are not breaking their contact from his and the only thing that bugs me right now are the gazes that he's giving me.

Aiden leaned and leveled his face with mine, making my breath hitched. "I don't like to be defied, Ashira." He said in a low whisper which almost sounded like a threat...

Oh, no. This is one of the moments that I instantly regret speaking my mind loud.

I felt his breath on my face and it smelled like mint and shaving cream... Heck, he smells so good.

Before I give in to the temptation which he delivers -well, unintentionally- I narrowed my eyes at him and straighten my back.

Now our faces are so close that our lips might meet if one of us moves.

Holy mother of God.

"I only obey with a reason, Aiden. Why can't I come? You know how much this means to me." I want to clap and praise myself because my voice didn't stutter. Though I'm not sure if it sounds stern because it feels like I'm pleading.

He looked at my eyes for a while. Studying me. I looked back the same to him and after a short while, he moved back, standing straight in front of me again.

I started breathing again, not knowing that I halt my breath.

"You'll stay here so I'm sure that you are safe. You can't argue about that, Ashira."

His voice was not authoritarian or mad. If so, I heard it as soft and sincere. Calming.

Suddenly, Seth's words popped into my head.

'Aiden looked like he's being eaten by darkness...' his voice echoed in my head and the images it brought are unpleasant, dreadful.

My lips formed a flat line. If this is what he meant, if my safety is what will keep him an inch away from that darkness, then he's probably right.

I can't argue about it.

I kept silent. I don't know what to say and yes, I still loved to tag along but I can't risk another turmoil that I may face-if any.

"If this rogue is telling the truth, I'll need him to do a blood pact. If he betrays me, then he'll taste his poison first. Nick and I agreed that if the meeting goes well, I'll help Zynia with whatever I can. She will be cured here in my land and by then, you'll have the chance to talk to her. Ask her everything."

My eyes glittered from happiness and hope! I'm looking up to him and he gave me a side smile, joyed by my euphoric reaction.

I was touched by his words. Though he indirectly said it, I get that he cares for me.

I guess what happened the other night made a huge bump to him.

"I-I'll stay here, then." I stutter. I closed my eyes and sigh. "Please be safe..." I said in a whisper and looked up to his face again.

His lips formed a small smile. "Always." He said and leaned down to press his lips on my head. My eyes closed from the gesture. "You should spend some time with your friend. They are planning to head back to their land tomorrow."

Aiden sat beside me as he said those words. I'm more focused on how he placed his hand on my back and his body heat next to mine.

I exhaled.

I haven't seen Lucianna yesterday and today, all day. Apart from not being allowed to work myself up -even when I'm totally fine-, Aiden also told me that my friend was under some sort of punishment from her mate.

"Is she okay?" I asked, referring to Lucy. I turned my head to look at him because he's leaning on the back slat.

"She is. Don't worry." His eyes look through my soul. And it's so weird that I always experience it from him. "Jacob won't hurt her. She's his mate."

I doubt it. If Jacob hasn't gave her any pain then Lucy shouldn't act that way. Even escaping fate like what she tried to.

"Physically not, maybe." I debated.

Aiden chuckled softly. "The brat was still underdeveloped when his mate were involved. He'll come to learn the right way."

I'd like to negate but I just shrugged and said nothing. I was about to tease him with how he acted with me but his last phrase was right. Even Aiden started to learn having me.

Maybe it's really hard for powerful wolves to have someone as their mate. It's like having another half of something you never thought you'll ever need. And the process of accepting it was just hard for them and their great prides.


I looked at the door where Nick popped out. He tilts his head as a signal that it's time for them to run. When his eyes met mine, he smiled sheepishly before nodding at Aiden then left just as fast as his entrance.

"I need to go," Aiden said, straightening up. "Don't put yourself in trouble." Then he leaned in, closing the gap between our lips, and kiss me.

It's a short, deep kiss but I already felt like I was drowned. Holy-! I really can't control this fucking heat.

He was gone before I could utter a word. Leaving me breathless and wanting. I sighed when the wind whooshes off, dragging my hair to my face.

It's so hard to be left behind by him. Even for just a while.

I started praying for a peaceful talk to happen tonight.

Nick's POV

It was dark, quiet, and chilling at the clearing where we first ran after the rude rogue. I was standing behind Aiden and the rogue which has a name-Zeke-was standing across us.

I kept telling Aiden that we should've brought some wolf fighters but he denied my suggestion.

I don't know if he's bragging about his strength or he's trusting the rogue. Either way, I'm option-less but to risk my life again.

Part of the job, it is. But still felt like hell.

"He got no companion with him," I whispered. Whew! That's a relief!

"I'm true to my words, Beta." The rogue said in a loud voice. I looked at him and he just smirked.

Okay. This guy definitely looked a lot like Aiden. About seventy-percent for sure.

I just scoffed and Zeke laughed.

Hm, maybe sixty-percent now because he seems insane and far from stern and strict attitude.

The rogue started walking closer to us.

"Stay where-"

I didn't get the chance to finish the sentence because Aiden put his hand up, stopping me from speaking.

He's letting the rogue do his ways.

I watched him walk closer to the rogue as well. I exhaled a huge breath and followed the leader. A stubborn Alpha. Damn it.

We came to a stop for just a meter away. Aiden kept looking at the rogue while the other kept smiling at him, glancing my way and back to Aiden again. His smile is pretentious. It never reached his eyes.

"I believe your mate told you what I want."

The rogue's voice sounded rude and the way he smirked didn't prove any innocence with it.

"You harmed my mate?."

Zeke laughed hard that it echoed through the woods. I sighed. I won't be surprised if any trackers around come here to inspect.

"I didn't. I have no problem with her to harm her, Aiden. Or Alpha Aiden, was it?" He looked at me sarcastically. "Or maybe I should start calling you 'cousin'?"

I growled. The nerve of this rogue!

Aiden chuckled coolly, making me snap my eyes at him in question. What's funny?

"Don't get too comfortable now, rogue." Aiden said, half smiling.

Zeke laughed. "Okay. I can't afford to piss you off again, Aiden. I'll get straight with my business and that's asking for some of your blood."

Aiden tilted his head and winced.

"I didn't hear any plead."

I almost laugh. Oh now I get it, Aiden was not letting the rogue get under his skin. He's playing along. Though I'm not sure how far he can.

The rogue's jaw tightened and his eyes pierced through Aiden like he's going to attack. I prepared myself for a possible strike but nothing came.


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