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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 37

Aiden's POV

I can't explain my feelings right now.

I was delighted, relieved even. But my trouble of a mate can't stop murmuring about another possible setback.


I think Ashira was seducing me, and it was effective. I can feel my crotch swelling on my pants. The scent of her aroused fluid lingers on my nose like toxins. It's almost unbearable to held myself back but no, I can't jump on her now.

I won't.

Damn, its so hard to say.

"You're tempting but that won't work on me right now, Ash. We'll talk about the Rogue tomorrow. For now, I need you to rest."

I managed to smirk as I said the words. I can feel her frustration and I'm not sure where it was from. She instantly shut her emotions, blocking me to feel more of it.

I'm dismayed but relieved at the same time. Now, I won't fought myself altogether.

"Fine!" She said in an irritated voice and rolled her eyes on me.

Have I mentioned that she's hella cute when she rolls her eyes and at the same time-uh, whats the word- irresistible?

Yeah, that.

I cleared my throat and held her elbow lightly. Right now, I can't see a bit of my Mom from her.

She's not controlling. But from time to time, a glimpse of that same behavior show though she's not persuasive and for me, her attitude was just enough.

"Mm-hmm. Let's get you to bed now."

My mate is tamed. She's sensitive and it includes with my feelings or what I would think. And that made her different. Far from my mother.

She marched back to the bed and tuck herself on the blanket. I knew she's far from done with this conversation but we can talk about it tomorrow.

I need her to rest. I need to be certain that the potion that guy 'Zeke' made her drink was not harmful for her. Despite what the pack doctor said that everything is fine with my mate.

Her scent is still faint. Its like, she's still blocking me away. Or maybe that potion is the reason for it. She's a bit concealed within the range of my senses.

I hate it.

I want to feel her through. I want to drown myself in her scent. I want to be indulged with her presence. And that fucking potion made it faint.

She looked at me once more and rolled her eyes again which earned a lip bite from me to held myself from smiling.

Damn. She's real pissed.

When she finally closed her eyes, I leaned in and kissed her temple. My lips touched her skin lightly, making sure I won't woke any pleasure she already have. Making sure not to add more of it so I wouldn't lose my cool.

Because right now, I might just be inside her in a blink. I'm on edge, too.

"Promise we'll talk tomorrow?" She whispers. Her eyes are still closed and I can see her playing with the inside of her cheeks.

I chuckled. "I promise we'll talk tomorrow."

"Not the next day or another, okay?"

I bit my lip.

Damn. My mate is real cute!

Stubborn but cute!

"Tomorrow, baby. I promise."

She sighed and smile lightly. Okay, her sigh sounds like she still doubt it but that precious smile erased it all.

Minutes later, her breathing is eased and she's fallen deep on slumber.

That's my cue to exit our room and head to my office.

'Nick, Seth, office now.'

I sat on my chair and tilt my head to the side and cracked my neck. I feel exhausted and its definitely not because of run and search. Its the fucking feeling of losing my mate. Even for a short time, it hits me. Hard.

Every minute that Ashira was gone and with me unaware of her whereabout, it feels like I'm being drained with energy. Inch by inch.

This thing shouldn't happen again. No, I should fix myself. I can't be this way. I closed my eyes and grunted.

Oh, don't trick yourself. You know you're smitten.

And just like that, I was slapped with my own fucking thoughts.

A few knocks on my office door made me snap my eyes open before Nick and Seth step inside.

"Aiden or Alpha?" Nick's uncontrolled misbehavior tried and teased me as soon as the door closed again.

"What are you talking about?" I groaned and shook my head. "Just sit the fuck down."

Nick shrugged and walked to a chair facing me. "Aiden, then."

Sigh. I should've demote this friend of mine. I can't blame him though. Normally in a situation like this, I'm more serious and blunt, also pissed so my wolf is more ahead.

But no, not this time. It seems that Ashira's smile took away anything that angered me tonight.

Seth also grabbed a chair and sat on it quietly.

"How's Ash?" Seth asked. I looked at his eyes and he instantly avoided mine.

"She's fine. Nothing was wrong except for her presence. Its still faint to sense."

"I noticed it. Did she tell you what happened?" Nick said.

I leaned on my chair and sighed. "Not yet. She needed to rest. But I heard some details from her and thats why both of you were here."

I exchanged looks with the both of them. Nick looked eager and Seth seems to hitched his breath.

"She said the rogue talked to her."

Nick hissed like a girl pinched him though his expression is almost excited. I won't start with Seth though, he got paled upon hearing the rogue and my mate's -which he was supposed to guard and protect- name.

"That's it? That's what he wants?" Seth said, almost disbelieving. I only nodded.

"And the talk was about?" Nick.

"Haven't heard the rest of it but she mentioned something like 'the rogue is my cousin'."

Both of them dropped their jaw as they looked at me with slowly widening eyes.

That.. what's its name again? Zeke? My cousin? Even I was caught off guard the first time I heard it.

"You believed it?" It was Seth who first recover. I sighed and leaned my head on the sit, screwing my eyes shut as I exhaled.

I fucking asked the same question to myself.

"I don't know what to think. That rogue kidnapped my mate. He killed my wolves. That's enough for me to doubt. Kill him even."

I didn't heard anything from them so I opened my eyes, ignored their annoying expressions, and checked some important papers above my table.

"You don't mean what we think you mean, right, Aiden?" Nick said in a slow careful voice.

They're still in shock.

I sighed and my eyes squinted as I looked at him. I crossed my fingers below my chin and looked at Nick.

"Maybe I called you to hear what you think and not for me to guess whats going on in those heads."

Another silence but after a while, Nick took in a deep breathe and-

"Whoa! What-Wow!" Nick laughed. "So he's Alpha Zeus and Zynia's-? Oh, really?!"

I sighed upon Nick's incredible expression. He can't even finish his question and everything he said is nonsense up to period.

"How would he knew that, Nick." Seth said, rolling his eyes then looking back at me. "Is that what he want to talk about with Ash? Just to say that you're related?"

I shrugged. "Told ya I hadn't heard the rest of it."

"But, man, really, you and that rogue looks familiar. I'm not doubting it a bit. That explains the speed, man! He got Alpha blood in him!" Nick exclaimed and his expression annoys me more than what his mouth blabbered.

My jaw tightened and I reviewed the rogue in my head. We do have the same eyes and face-shape. And to think that I got those assets on my mother...

"Nick, speed like that is abnormal even for wolves with alpha blood because unless they're an Alpha." Seth counter.

"Oh well, they still looks the same."

"Alright!" I slammed my palm on the table and eyed them both. "Enough with that. I need you both to inform every guard and trackers that if he ever show his face inside or outside the land, don't seize him."

"What does that mean?" Seth.

"Like, letting the rogues to freely roam Prime land?" Nick said and I almost sigh with how his mind works. Why would I even- ugh.

"Just this particular rogue." I said with a sigh. I suddenly thought of getting on the bed with Ashira.

This meeting needed to end.

"Can I ask why?" Nick asked hesitantly with, again, that funny face that is so annoying.

I shook my head and sighed. "Because the next time he lands his foot on my ground, I'll be the one he should be talking."

I can't risk another encounter between Ashira and that rogue. I don't trust him but he's under consideration because he brought back my mate, lightly harmed.

"Also do some research about a potion that can conceal ones presence. In every sense possible."

Seth was the one who answered fast this time.

"There's no such thing. My mom works with the enchantress, there is no such potion."

"Well, there is now. So find out about it."

Before they could speak, I stood up and left the office.

Ashira's POV


I feel lightheaded.

Its like I drank a whole bottle of vodka, bottoms up.

"How are you feeling?"

I almost jumped when I heard Aiden's voice somewhere. I looked around and saw him standing on the bathroom door. A white towel hangs freely on his hips and I can't ignore the V-line he had there.

Its like those lines are pointing down to a big Santa's gift.

And oh, why is it that big? Was he... aroused?

My silence made Aiden walked near and it feels like the floor was filed with lava. I instantly got hot all over.

Aiden leaned closer with both of his hands on the bed, his head drew near to me and his eyes examined my whole face.

"How are you feeling, baby?" He said in a soft, low and thoughtful voice.

And I figured it out.

While I'm here, hitching my breathe, unable to focus and can only feel the heat for him, he's just concerned.

A fucking hot and sexy concerned man for me.

I cleared my throat and look away from his dazzling eyes. I didn't know that it will hit me differently if his eyes will look like that.

Like its all love and passion. Its far from the usual looks he had given me.

"I'm.. fine." I stole a glance but took it back when I saw him arched his brows.


I nodded. Oh, get away from me already!

Aiden sighed and stood straight, crossing his arms across his chest as he studied my face.

I can feel it. I can fucking feel it!

I'm losing my control! I want to kiss him like I needed it! I want to threw myself at him, to make him fill me!

I'm not sure what's happening to me but its like every raging libido I have in my body ounces together in one-down place!

"If you'd like to eat-"

I growled inwardly as I felt myself exploding! I bowed my head as I sit and closed my eyes shut.

I had a feeling that I'm being consumed and its overwhelming my insides.

"I want you.." I whispered in a very low voice that even I can't hear. I felt ashamed but my body don't regret it a bit.


I stood up and jumped on him, literally threw myself at his hard rock body and when I thought he was caught off guard, he's not.

He grabbed me by the butt and didn't even budge as I gave my weight to him.

His eyes seemed abashed but thrilled as he lift the side of his lip and gave me a knowing smirk.

"Someone's in heat." He whispered in a husky voice that made me wet and my knees trembled.

I groaned and crossed my arms around his nape. "Please. I feel like burning." I begged in a low voice.

Aiden's grip on my behind tightened as a low growl escaped his throat.

"I'll keep the fire burning then." He said without an ounce of patience then my lips are on his.

He devoured my mouth like I taste of everything delicate. I moaned when he front my lady V straight to his swollen cock.

It fucking felt like thousands of thunderbolts rushed through my veins and hit me hard to my spine!

"That's what will keep your fire burning, baby." He said in between kisses.

"Oh, God, Aiden! I want you inside me now!"

His eyes soften with lust and passion as he look at me with disbelief.


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