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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 42

CMA-Chapter 42

Ashira’s POV

The sound of my footsteps echoed everywhere as I walk down the steep stairs but my heartbeat was louder.

It was all I could hear which increases the feeling of nervousness and excitement as I look forward to what information I would find.

‘Are you okay?’

I must be taking a long while in getting there that Aiden got worried. Well, when it comes with this matter, I was expected to jump-run to them since he saw how thirsty I was to gain new things about my abnormality.

Yet, I was acting otherwise.

Its funny how the tables have turned. Not a long while, I was the one asking Aiden that same question.

While at the garden, I felt an emotion that he’d never flowed to me before.

Longing, but this time, not for me.

Sadness. A deep and dark sorrow.

Pain but from missing someone.

His parents. I guessed. I’m not sure but who else, right?

‘Yeah. I’m almost there…’ I answered.

My eyes are screwed shut when I took a deep breath, halt my steps and stilled the inhaled oxygen on my lungs.

Calm yourself, Ashira.

‘You have nothing to worry about.’ the wolf inside me said. I can see her image pouting and almost telling me that I’m over reacting with all of this. ‘We’re still like everyone else.’

My lips parted from what my wolf said to me. I lived for a month knowing my abnormality but this is the first time that I heard this. And even though I kept repeating the exact same words inside my head, the way my wolf uttered it strikes straight into my chest.

I’m not alone in this.

I have my wolf. I have Aiden. I have my family and friends. And they all accept me for being me, and not from what I turned to be.

I exhaled and opened my eyes. I started moving my feet again but in a faster pace this time.

When I turned the long hallway, I smelled something… different. A scent I never smelt before. Ever.

It’s sweet. A part of the scent was disturbing senses. I’ve been around a sugarcane factory and its like that. It’s too sweet to bear.

I stopped in front of a door where I sense four people inside. I crinkled my nose and rubbed it yet the scent was still there.

While Aiden’s scent is intoxicating, this scent is almost irritating.

The door opened and I saw Aiden beside it. I almost jumped when his eyes met mine and accepted to myself that I might act the same around him. Forever.

His big frame was blocking my sight and I can’t see anything but him. But I’m sure they’re here. I could smell Zeke and that… sweetness.

He smiled at me and gestured for me to enter the room by gliding himself to the side. I caught glimpse of Zeke who was standing right next to a bed and a woman. She was also looking right at me.

I stepped inside the room without breaking eye contact with her.


Once inside, the irritating sweetness become stronger that I can’t help but to lift my hand and cover my nose.

No, it didn’t help. I closed my eyes shut and sighed.

I heard the door closes then an arm snaked on my waist right after. I don’t need to check who it was.

“What’s wrong?” Aiden asked in a whisper. I turned to him and he mirrored the creased formed in my forehead.

I was about to answer but Zynia chuckled that took my attention. I looked at her but I can feel Aiden’s eyes stayed on me.

“You’ll get used to the scent in a few minutes, Luna Ashira.” she said. Her voice was calm and kind. I understood that she was talking about the scent. Wait, what?

“W-What was that?” I asked, strutting.

“What is it?” Aiden asked. He finally took his worried eyes off me and turn to Zynia who’s smiling to us.

Aiden’s hand tightened on my waist and her eyes focused on it before looking back at me.

“That’s the scent of our kind. Remember it so when you met one, you’ll know one.” she smiled at me. “It’s annoying, isn’t it?”

I bit my lip and nodded slowly. Aiden turned his eyes on me again and I looked up at his eyes. It seems like he understand what was happening but I still nod at him to assure that I’m okay.

“It was nice to finally meet you, Luna. Thank you for helping us to reach Alpha Aiden. I owe my life to you.” she bowed her head and I immediately panicked upon her showed respect towards me.

“I-It’s fine, uh, Zynia. Please. Drop the courtesy.”

She did. She smiled at me and I returned it to her, my cheeks are burning from slight embarrassment.

“A-Are you well?”

“Yes, I am. Thank you for making this possible for me.”

I shook my head fast. “No, uh, Aiden decides to help you. I didn’t do anything at all but to tell him your case.”

She smiled but I know she still feel like I’m the one who made Aiden agree to this. I let it go.

Zynia looks young for her age. I bet she’s on her late forties but there’s no sign of lines on her forehead, just a few wrinkles on her eyes which was only visible when she’s smiling.

“Are you… fine now?” I asked when silence enveloped us.

I looked at Zeke’s side and he was watching me so I diverted my eyes to Nick who’s sipping on a drink while sitting on the round table at the corner.

“Much better than before. Thank you.”

I figured that she won’t stop thanking me just yet so I let it go and nodded. “That’s good.”

Her eyes were stuck at me while smiling for a while. She blinked twice and chuckle after realizing it. “I’m sorry if I stare too much. I just can’t believe that you’re a stealer and Alpha Aiden’s mate.”

I paled.

“What are you trying to imply?” Aiden questioned ahead of me. I can sense a rising anger on his voice that made my hand flew to his chest like that would calm him.

Zynia chuckled Aiden’s reaction. “I don’t mean anything bad, I’m sorry. I just can’t stop thinking that your blood attracts stealer like magnets.” she laughed but I can’t see the humor in her phrase.

I looked up at Aiden and I saw how his jaw clenched.

“I don’t mean anything, really.” Zynia added.

“If you dare tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you.” Aiden warned in a low deep voice and through gritted teeth. I clutched on his shirt, tugging on it slightly.

The last thing I want to happen here was for them to fight. Or for Aiden to lose control. I know he only have a little.

I thought Zynia would be scared but she chuckled. I bit my lip upon getting nervous with her tranquility and Aiden’s advancing irritation.

“No. No. I’d rather die than to betray my kind, Alpha Aiden. I’m sorry if my remark sounded threatening.” she then turned to me. “I’m sorry.”

I shook my head and speak before Aiden does. “It’s okay. I know everything seems like a history repeating itself.”

She nodded and its silence that snatch a minute or two around us.

“I know you got questions.” Zynia talked again. “Why don’t we ask the boys to give us a moment so we can talk in… peace?” she looked at the three men.

Zeke and Nick started moving but Aiden kept still beside me. I looked at him and found his eyes locked on me again.

“I’ll stay.” Aiden announced.

Zynia chuckled. “Alright. I understand now that possessiveness runs in your blood.”

I smiled. That means Alpha Zeuracious and Aiden are both possessive when it comes to their mate, huh?

I bit the insides of my cheek to suppress myself on smiling wide upon thinking how cute that is.

I crinkled my nose once more when I catch Zynia’s scent once more. Ugh. How many minutes left for this to last? No wonder stealers are rare. They must’ve killed each other if this scent kept lingering around us. I meant ‘we’.

Aiden guided me to sit on a chair and I did. I watched him pulled another seat so he can sit beside me.

“What do you want to know, darling?” Zynia asked once we settled infront of her. She smiled when I almost got lost with my thoughts. What should I ask? Where should I start?

I looked at Aiden and I’m almost asking for help on where to start. He sighed and kissed my forehead, snaking his arm on the small of my back before turning to Zynia.

“You could start by telling us more about being a stealer. I’m sure questions will follow then.” Aiden said. I nodded slowly, agreeing to his suggestion. My mind are mixed with thoughts that I couldn’t think where to start, what to ask or how to even speak.

Zynia nodded as well. She looked away from us, probably thinking of what to share. Does that mean she knew a lot about us?

“This abnormality is not the same for every stealer, for each had a gift and it varies. Were you aware of yours, Luna?” she directed the question at me.

I was already lost when she said we have different gifts. Do I have one? I can’t recall finding out what was mine. Or did I just didn’t notice?

I slowly shook my head in the end.

“Well, how old are you now?”


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