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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 43

Aiden’s POV

“How did this happen?” A deep growl escaped my chest along with intensified wrath from my wolf. It’s taboo to attack a pack under peace treaty and this was unexpected even for me.

We’re running fast towards the North where an intrusion was reported. Nick follows behind me, trying to keep up.

The fighters were alerted and they’re on their way as well. My beta and I will be way ahead of them though.

“I don’t know. I was informed that some Ravenous wolves attacked the guards of the North border.”

I gritted my teeth.

What does Elon wants now?

I’m concluding that he’s starting a war but I can’t think of any reason of what might pushed him to do this.

We’re still under the bond of a treaty. Starting a war with me right now means letting every ally of my pack destroy his. He made a wrong decision.

Oh, fuck. Elon’s far from wise anyway.

This could be war but that’s the least of my concern. I was born ready for a war specifically with that old son of a bitch.

I reached the border and eyed everyone present. Five of my guards were down and wounded. I could smell the scent of Ravenous outside the pack land and five more of my guards were running after them.

Nick knelt in front of one naked guard who’s breathing heavy with a slit wound on his neck. I growled. Healers will be here anytime soon but seeing my people struggle like this angers me.

“Nick.” I called and followed the scent of the enemy. If this is an attack, then why can I only smell a few of Ravenous members? And doesn’t seem strong at all.

I run past a dead wolf torn into half. He’s a Ravenous and my guards might have killed him. I didn’t stop to examine the body and just fasten my pace.

I could smell, ten? No, nine other Ravenous wolf being chase by five of my guards.

What the fuck?

“Something is not right.” I said. I knew Nick was just behind me and could hear me.

They’re ahead in number but being chased by a count of five? Elon must be fucking with me!

I trembled and even more outraged from the thought!

“This is not a fucking attack!” I burst out with a loud growl that I feel like shape-shifting any time if only I had no control over my wolf. I feel disrespected, annoyed, angered and insulted!

I ran faster and Nick didn’t had the chance to respond to me. I ran fast that I overrun the guards in their wolf form. I was right, they were five.

I looked at one of the guards who’s leading the runoff and he bowed his head slightly. Looking forward, I saw eight of Ravenous wolves running for their fucking lives and my jaw tightened as I imagine the shit I’ll do to this fuckers because I’ll definitely catch them.

Running fast, I’m beside of one of the slowest wolf. It looked at me with frightened eyes and I growled as I grabbed its neck with both hands, rode it and snapped its neck like a twig.

I jumped and continue running along with the wolf’s howl that ended eventually. There are two more wolves ahead and they turned their head. Their eyes caught the deepest red pair of eyes.

These eyes will be the last thing you’ll see.

I’m running between the two. The wolf in my right tried biting me but I kicked its jaw hard that I heard its bones cracked from the impact. It howled in pain and slowed down. The guards took care of it since they’re running behind me as they caught it.

I looked at the other wolf on my left and it tried to run fast instead of fighting me over. It was trying to escape! How could this be an attack?!

“You fuckers.” My teeth gritted as I held on its tail, pulled it up like its a lightweight that it flew above me. My claws were already out and ready that I easily strike on its chest, his blood dropped on my hand along with its cry. I made sure I damaged his organs completely.

I ran again and turned my head to watch the guards mill around the last wolf.

Nick continues running behind me and when I looked at him, he even made a slow clap, earning a growl from me.

“Chill. You are right. This is not an attack.” he said behind me.

I scoffed and shook my head. I’m annoyed and I can’t let this rudeness slip easily. “I don’t give a fuck. We’ll kill those assholes.”

He just laughed and follows when I increased my speed once more.

In front of me was five wolves left. There’s a ravine ahead and from the way they looked at each other, they are unsure of what to do or where to go.

“Dead end, motherfuckers.” I growled and ran faster to catch them along with Nick’s low laughs behind me. He takes this too light but I do all the killings, huh? I’ll smack my beta in the head later for sure.

Fifty meters away from them, I halted. Four figures came from the other side of the ravine, jumping to where the five Ravenous wolves are. I stopped and gritted my teeth upon knowing who it was.

“Elon.” I growled.

Elon was facing me with that goofy wide smile on his creepy old face. Low growls continue coming out of my chest as I eyed the three added wolves behind him.

One of it was his beta, Marion, his gamma, Tharus and the lady guard head Shimla.

The five intruder changed to their human form, probably feeling safe from the arrival of their Alpha.

“Aiden.” he impudently bowed, smirking to me now without taking his eyes away from my stare. “I apologize for my wolves disobedience. They are rebelling from my leadership and attacked without my knowledge.”

My jaw clenches before sighing slowly, trying to calm my nerves.

“This is a direct attack, Elon. You’re breaking the treaty we uphold.” My voice was firm and deep as I say the words. The fucker had the guts to chuckle and raise a brow at me.

“No, no, Aiden. I,” he put both of his palm on his chest. “would never disturb our treaty like this.”

I didn’t utter a word.

This fucker thinks I’ll fall into his weak scheme, huh?

“In fact, I took an immediate action upon hearing that some of my wolves rebelled and try starting a war with your pack.” he added.


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