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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45: On his spot

Ashira's POV

"No stray thoughts since last night." Aiden said observantly as he looked at me. He was not smiling but a bit of joy is what I read on those golden-brown eyes. He’s relieved and so am I. Who would want some wandering thoughts without consent? Not me.

It is the morning of the day Aiden liked and hated the most.

The peace treaty between our pack and Ravenous pack has expired, that's a favor on his part. And he hates that he'll renew the oath at midnight. If he wanted to be selfish, a war with Elon is suffice for his personal gratification. My respect in him continues to grow whenever he put his pack first in every decision.

"Thanks God." I replied with a bright grin on my face. "Wait, weren't you supposed to be at the Hall? Its a busy day."

He snorted. "Nick was always in-charge when it comes to the treaty with Ravenous." He said lazily as he snaked his arm on my waist, positioning himself behind me.

The sun was exceptionally shining lively today. Its early and the light had perfectly warm on my skin. We just finished eating breakfast and now standing back to chest at the patio, facing the serene greenery of trees and plants in front of us.

"I object to that." said Nick who popped out of nowhere. I moved a little to turn and look at Nick who was grinning from ear to ear.

"That guy," he points his finger at Aiden and I knew from Nick's smile that he's asking for his ass to get kicked any time soon. "started delegating his job to me ever since he met you." He added a loud laugh after his goofy smile.

I turned at Aiden, grinning. I played along with Nick’s teasing but inside, I hope that was true.

Aiden only snorted.

"Really?" I asked, hopeful. And to be honest, it feels good to hear those words from Nick but I hid it behind a low chuckle as Aiden hugged me tighter.

The first time I met Aiden, he's too busy with his duties that I always ached to see him every second. Or to be with him, always. And Nick was right, Aiden is always on my side these days.

"That look," Nick's eyes narrowed at Aiden. "means I need to excuse myself." then laughed as he walks away and like usual, Nick is gone in a blink.

Aiden loosened his embrace and I took that opportunity to turn and look at his face. I’m not letting this topic died down because I witnessed the Aiden’s changes, too.

I got the feeling that I’ll hate myself if I’m the reason for Aiden’s misdemeanor.

"Was that true?" I asked playfully, trying to cover the slightest accusation that my mind has entertained.

Aiden screwed his eyes shut, looking irritated but the willingness to prolong the conversation is there. Although his jaw kept tightening so I figured he’s irritated somehow.

Maybe on Nick? Or me? I’m not sure but I’m willing to risk just to hear his answer.

Oh, I hope he does.

When Aiden opened his eyelids, I almost drowned by the shade his eyes showed. I was stunned. What was he thinking that made me feel struck like this?

His eyes turned to a darker golden-brown that its almost copper. It expresses a feeling that I know every word he’ll say was hard to utter but he wanted to say.

I saw this eyes a couple of times: when he’s passionate about something at work, when he flowed his thoughts to me and when he’s under the power of desire and heat.

"I didn’t delegate my duties to my Beta ever since I met you, Ashira. I only did when I can't take my eyes off you since the night that Zeke took you away." he said in a low but deep voice. The tone that had my knees shaking, that voice that melts me.

My mouth dropped open. I knew he took a huge blow from that event but upon knowing how dedicated he was with his title, I didn't think he would react that way up until now.

"I… Don’t d-"

"Don't try and stop me, baby.” his voice softens. He looked me straight through my soul as silence enveloped us. At last, he sighed. “If I know they needed me at the hall, I'll be there. My duty are undemanding these days so don't worry, I'm not lacking on anything."

I pouted and took a step back. I want to inch myself away a little because my mind can’t function properly when he’s that way! I can’t argue if he already explained himself like that. Like he said it clearly and that should be final.

"I'm not saying-"

"I just don't wanna leave you alone yet." his interruption made my heartbeat quick and loud. It’s a confession! He admits the reason behind his action and I didn’t think he’ll include that, uh, in a sudden.

Aiden steps closer and reached for my cheek. He caress my soft skin as I melt in his gaze.

"I can't leave you for a long time." He continued in a whisper. Damn, am I getting horny right now? What the heck!?

I swallowed the bump forming on my throat. I feel like my mouth had dried and upon looking at his normally wet lips, I’m more thirsty. I loved times like this with him but I'm more comfortable with the grumpy Aiden than... right now.

Because I feel like I’ll just jump on him and fuck him in this broad daylight! Not that we haven’t but I still can’t forget the last time I did that.

My cheeks flared as I remembered that moment and I quickly distract my head to utter any word or else I’ll really jump on him!


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