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CEO'S Dejected Wife novel Chapter 2

You called me Mr Daniels?" Maureen asked as she walked to where Mr Daniels sat in the garden.

"Sitl"he ordered. She immediately took a seat and fixed her eyes on the ground.

"Have you ever heard of Leonardo Nathan Radriel?"he asked as he sipped coffee from his favorite mug.

"Um um......y.....yes I have heard of him"she said..

"You will be getting married to him"he said as he re-adjusted himself on the chair

Maureen only blinked repeatedly on hearing what he said , Maureen knows better than to say anything as a form of argument.

she only nodded and waited for her to be dismissed.

"Get out!" he ordered. She stood up From the ground and bowed before leaving.

She's a princess living in her own castle like a slave.

She pushed the glass door open and walked out of the garden, taking the stairs to her room.

Pushing her door open she walked slowly inside the room. She sat on the floor, bringing her legs up to her face folding her arms around her knees as she cried inwardly.

"What kind of life is this"she thought as hot steaming tears slid down her cheeks.

"Mom why did you leave me in the hands of this bastard"she thought

"Mom, I'll never let him go for what he's doing, his going to pay dearly" she swore.

She sat on the floor as she tried to remember memories of her past.

She let the tears pour out of her eyes as she tightened her lips together, not letting a sound come out from her mouth.


Lilac sat on the couch in the living room, with her phone in her hand ”No!” Lilac yelled.

"Why can't I just make it to the next level? We"she grumbled.

"Lilac!" She heard her name from a voice that sounded so familiar.

She turned to the direction the voice was coming from.

"Oh my God ................ Leo" She screamed at the same time jumping off the chair, letting her phone to the grasp of the cold tile. She ran towards Leo and pushed her light slender body on his.

"Lilac"Leo called, hugging her rightfully.

Lilac carried her legs up pressing her entire weight on Leo's body,

"I missed you so much brother,"she said, beaming with smiles.

"I missed you a lot to sis"

Leo put her on the ground, turned to his guards telling them to take his things in.

"Where is Lila?"Leo asked,placing his hand around Lilac's neck.

”What's the noise for Lilac?" a voice said coming from the stairs.

Leo and Lilac turned their gaze to the stairs, to see Lila coming down with a book covering her face.

"At least take your eyes away from a book for once,"Lilac said.

"Why do I need to?" Lila answered by taking more steps down the stairs.

"bluey!"Leo called.

The name rang in Lila's ear and she was forced to take the book away from her eyes.

Lila knows only one person calls her that, although the voice sounded more muscular.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh my Leo,I don't believe my eyes!"she exclaimed, throwing her book on the floor.

She ran down the stairs to Leo's direction as she went flinging herself on his body.

"I missed you brother,"Lilia exclaimed.

"Missed you too bluey"

It's been so long since the twin last saw their brother, they only get to see him through video calls. As usual he was always too busy to come home for holidays.

"Where is father?”he asked, putting Lila down.

"Father? He is in the garden,"Lila answered.

"I'll go and see father first, then I'll give both of you your gifts.

"Okay, I will be waiting,"Lila said, picking her book from the ground.

Lilac and Lila are the Radriel twins, they are twenty years old.


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