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Despicable Mate novel Chapter 3


Exhaling deeply, I threw the brown paper bag on my bed. I was about to hop into the bathroom when my phone rang.-

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the caller Id. The phone almost slipped out of my hand as I tried to pick it up in a haste.

My voice shook slightly as I rasped, “Hello.”

“Honey… what took you so long to pick up my call?”

I licked my dry lips and stuttered, “I…I… was walking… I didn’t realize that…”

“Next time, I expect you to answer at the first ring, is that clear?”

I nodded but then I realized she couldn’t see me. So, I rasped, “Yes.”

The delay in response seemed to have infuriated her further. Her clipped voice rang in my ears. “Go to the Espanol Café right now.”

“Right now? Can I take a shower first?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“If you don’t reach there in five minutes, you will have to face the consequences.”

I picked up the bag and locked the door while she gave me instructions. She wanted me to get noticed by Alpha Kevin.

Exhaling deeply, I trotted to the café. Thankfully, it was just a few blocks away and I managed to reach there on time.

My phone beeped with a message, ‘Good Job. Now go and charm him with your looks.”

I rolled my eyes. How the hell did she expect me to do that? She didn’t even give me a chance to shower.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the glass door as I walked inside the café. Though my hair was slightly messy and the makeup had worn out, I did look quite enchanting.

People stopped their work and gazed at me as I walked to the air-conditioned section. I could sense admiration in their gaze.

I halted my steps as I spotted Kevin through the glass door. My heart fluttered and my stomach churned with a funny sensation.

He was even more handsome in person; sharp jawline, eyebrows arched by the right proportion. His hazel, brown eyes sparkled with a kind of honesty that could hold anyone captive.

“Miss, you are blocking the way.” The waiter’s voice sounded behind my back drawing my attention away from Kevin.

Damn! Why did Ariana have to target Kevin? Drawing in a deep breath, I blinked away the tears that had welled my eyes.

“Will you move?” The waiter’s irritated voice sounded again. He must have already asked me to move several times. Flustered, I stepped quickly to the side but as he was about to enter the other room, I stuck out my leg.

He stumbled, swayed from one side to the other. He couldn’t grab anything for support as both of his hands were occupied.

“Miss, please help him.” Someone shouted. I raised my eyebrows and pushed him lightly.

He fell flat on the ground with a loud crash. The plates in his hands shattered and the sauce splattered across the floor.

I laughed loudly and walked past him, crushing a saucer that had managed to remain intact.

“Why the hell did you do that?” Risha said, jumping to her feet. Hatred and fury were written all over her face. Her fists were clenched and her jaws were taut.

I expected her to attack me as she usually did at school but she didn’t. Probably because she was with her brother.

Risha was still glaring at me, waiting for a reply. I just raised my shoulder and said, “He was rude to me back there. So, I just taught him a teeny-weeny lesson.”




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